不以得为喜 不以失为悲 不以求为苦 不以有为乐 (不以得為喜 不以失為悲 不以求為苦 不以有為樂) bù yǐ dé wéi xǐ bù yǐ shī wéi bēi bù yǐ qiú wéi kǔ bù yǐ yǒu wéi lè

bù yǐ dé wéi xǐ bù yǐ shī wéi bēi bù yǐ qiú wéi kǔ bù yǐ yǒu wéi lè phrase Do not take gain to be joy. Do not take loss to be pain. Do not take yearning to be suffering. Do not take having to happiness.
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan , Concept:
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism)