八识; 1. 眼识 2. 耳识 3. 鼻识 4. 舌识 5. 身识 6. 意识 7. 末那识 8. 阿赖耶识 (八識; 1. 眼識 2. 耳識 3. 鼻識 4. 舌識 5. 身識 6. 意識 7. 末那識 8. 阿賴耶識) bā shì: 1. yǎn shì 2. ěr shì 3. bí shì 4. shé shì 5. shēn shì 6. yì shì 7. mò nà shì 8. ā lài yé shì

bā shì: 1. yǎn shì 2. ěr shì 3. bí shì 4. shé shì 5. shēn shì 6. yì shì 7. mò nà shì 8. ā lài yé shì phrase Eight Kinds of Consciousness: 1. the eye consciousness; 2. the ear consciousness; 3. the nose consciousness; 4. the tongue consciousness; 5. the body consciousness; 6. the mind consciousness; 7. the manas consciousness; 8. the alaya consciousness
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan , Concept:
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism)