譬喻问号(四) 求法似爬山, 是高是远? 心性似明镜, 照己照人? 因缘似条件, 够与不够? 寺院似学校, 有学无学? 饮食似汤药, 是合不合? 人身似物品, 有好有坏? 生命似风灯, 是安是危? 人心似猿马, 是燥是安? 欲望似深渊, 可下不可? 傲慢似高山, 不登为好! (譬喻問號(四) 求法似爬山, 是高是遠? 心性似明鏡, 照己照人? 因緣似條件, 夠與不夠? 寺院似學校, 有學無學? 飲食似湯藥, 是合不合? 人身似物品, 有好有壞? 生命似風灯, 是安是危? 人心似猿馬, 是燥是安? 欲望似深淵, 可下不可? 傲慢似高山, 不登為好!) pì yù wèn hào (sì) qiú fǎ sì pá shān, shì gāo shì yuǎn? xīn xìng sì míng jìng, zhào jǐ zhào rén? yīn yuán sì tiáo jiàn, gòu yǔ bù gòu? sì yuàn sì xué xiào, yǒu xué wú xué? yǐn shí sì tāng yào, shì hé bù hé? rén shēn sì wù pǐn, yǒu hǎo yǒu huài? shēng mìng sì fēng dēng, shì ān shì wēi? rén xīn sì yuán mǎ, shì zào shì ān? yù wàng sì shēn yuān, kě xià bù kě? ào màn sì gāo shān, bù dēng wéi hǎo!

pì yù wèn hào (sì) qiú fǎ sì pá shān, shì gāo shì yuǎn? xīn xìng sì míng jìng, zhào jǐ zhào rén? yīn yuán sì tiáo jiàn, gòu yǔ bù gòu? sì yuàn sì xué xiào, yǒu xué wú xué? yǐn shí sì tāng yào, shì hé bù hé? rén shēn sì wù pǐn, yǒu hǎo yǒu huài? shēng mìng sì fēng dēng, shì ān shì wēi? rén xīn sì yuán mǎ, shì zào shì ān? yù wàng sì shēn yuān, kě xià bù kě? ào màn sì gāo shān, bù dēng wéi hǎo! phrase Metaphors (4) Learning Dharma is climbing a mountain. Is it tall or far? The mind is a bright mirror. Is the reflection you or others? Conditions are terms. Are they sufficient or not? Temples are schools. Do you or do you not learn? Food is like medicine. Is it good for you or not? The body is an object. Is it functioning or not? Life is a candle in the wind. Is it safe or is it in danger? Human mind is a monkey or horse. Is it restless or is it peaceful? Desire is an abyss. Can you go down there or not? Arrogance is a lofty mountain. You may as well stay away!
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan , Concept:
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism)