其座纯以无量杂摩尼宝 (其座純以無量雜摩尼寶) qí zuò chún yǐ wúliàng zá móní bǎo

qí zuò chún yǐ wúliàng zá móní bǎo phrase the throne was made purely of an infinite number of different kinds of mani jewels
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: Quote: from 千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經 ”The Dharani Sutra: The Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds” (Amies 2021 tr.; see also Giddings 2017, p. 254; T 1060, Scroll 1, 20.0106a08)