其佛国土有如是等无量功德庄严成就 (其佛國土有如是等無量功德莊嚴成就) qí fó guótǔ yǒu rúshì děng wúliàng gōngdé zhuāngyán chéngjiù

  1. qí fó guótǔ yǒu rúshì děng wúliàng gōngdé zhuāngyán chéngjiù phrase So immense are the good qualities that Buddha-field will be possessed of.
    Domain: Buddhism 佛教
    Notes: Parallel, Sanskrit equivalent: evamaparimitaguṇasamanvāgataṃ tad buddhakṣetraṃ bhaviṣyati; from the 妙法蓮華經 “Lotus Sutra” (Braarvig 2020, ch. 8; Hurvitz 2009, p. 159; Kern tr. 1884, ch. 8; Vaidya 1960, p. 129; T 262, Scroll 4, 9.0027c11)
  2. qí fó guótǔ yǒu rúshì děng wúliàng gōngdé zhuāngyán chéngjiù phrase So immense are the good qualities that Buddha-field will be possessed of
    Domain: Buddhism 佛教
    Notes: Parallel, Sanskrit equivalent: evamaparimitaguṇasamanvāgataṃ tad buddhakṣetraṃ bhaviṣyati; from the 妙法蓮華經 “Lotus Sutra” (Braarvig 2020, ch. 8; Hurvitz 2009, p. 159; Kern tr. 1884, ch. 8; Vaidya 1960, p. 129; T 262, Scroll 4, 9.0027c11)