圣阎曼德迦威怒王立成大神验念诵法 (聖閻曼德迦威怒王立成大神驗念誦法) shèng yán màn dé jiā wēi nù wáng lì chéng dà shén yàn niànsòng fǎ

shèng yán màn dé jiā wēi nù wáng lì chéng dà shén yàn niànsòng fǎ proper noun Recitation and Recollection Methods for Establishing the Great Divine Signs of the Wrathful King, the Sage Yamantaka
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Esoteric Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon, translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang (Goble 2019, pp. 123-125; KDC 1351; T 1214)