曼殊室利焰曼德迦万爱秘术如意法 (曼殊室利焰曼德迦萬愛祕術如意法) Mànshūshìlì yàn màn dé jiā wàn ài mì shù rúyì fǎ

Mànshūshìlì yàn màn dé jiā wàn ài mì shù rúyì fǎ proper noun Wish Fulfilling Ritual from the Secret Methods of the Immeasurablly Compassionate Mañjuśrī-Yamāntaka; Manshushili Yan Man De Jia Wan Ai Mi Shu Ruyi Fa
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Esoteric Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon (Keyworth 2011c, p. 344; T 1219)