文殊师利所说不思议佛境界经 (文殊師利所說不思議佛境界經) Wénshū shī lì Suǒ shuō bù Sīyì fó jìnjiè jīng

Wénshū shī lì Suǒ shuō bù Sīyì fó jìnjiè jīng proper noun Acintyabuddhaviṣayanirdeśa (Mañjuśrī speaks the Inconceivable State of Buddhahood Sutra)
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Mahāyāna Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: Acintyabuddhaviṣayanirdeśa; a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon (T 340; KDC 43)

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