奇特最胜金轮佛顶念诵仪轨法要 (奇特最勝金輪佛頂念誦儀軌法要) qíté zuì shèng jīn lún fó dǐng niànsòng yí guǐ fǎ yào

qíté zuì shèng jīn lún fó dǐng niànsòng yí guǐ fǎ yào proper noun Special Supreme Golden Wheel Great Usnisa Liturgy Summary; Qite Zui Sheng Jin Lun Fo Ding Niansong Yi Gui Fa Yao
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Esoteric Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon (FGDB '奇特最勝金輪佛頂念誦儀軌法要'; T 949)