仁王护国般若波罗蜜经陀罗尼念诵仪轨 (仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經陀羅尼念誦儀軌) rén wáng hù guó bōrěluómì jīng tuóluóní niànsòng yíguǐ

rén wáng hù guó bōrěluómì jīng tuóluóní niànsòng yíguǐ proper noun Ren Wang Hu Guo Boreluomi Jing Tuoluoni Niansong Yi Gui; Scripture for Humane Kings for Protection of the Country Dharani Liturgy
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Esoteric Buddhism , Concept: Sutra 经
Notes: The title of a text in the Chinese Buddhist canon (FGDB '仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經道場念誦儀軌'; KDC 1342; T 994)