九部经 (九部經) jiǔbùjīng

jiǔbùjīng proper noun navāṅga; navāṅga-śāsana; navaṅga-sāsana; nava-vidha sūtrānta; nine kinds of teaching
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: navāṅga-śāsana, Pali: navaṅga-sāsana, Japanese: kubu kyō; this derives from the Sanskrit compound meaning navāṅga 九部'nine parts' + śāsana 'teaching'. The nine kinds according to Theravāda and Mahāyāna sources. In the Theravāda tradition the nine kinds are: 1. 修多羅 sutta, 2. 祇夜 geyya 'mixed verses and prose', 3. 伽陀 gāthā, 4. 受記 vyakarana 'predictions', 5. 優陀那 udāna, 6. 如是語經 itivuttaka, 7. 本生 jātaka, 8. 毘佛略 vedalla, and 9. 阿毗達磨 Abhidhamma. See 十二部經 (BL 'navāṅga'; Buddhadatta 1958 'śāsana'; FGDB '九部經'; Hirakawa 31 '九部經', p. 77; MW 'zAsana').