阿字门 (阿字門) ā zì mén
ā zì mén
the teaching of the character a
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
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Notes: Described in the 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 “Vairocana Sūtra” (FGDB '阿字門'; Giebel 2005, p. 42; T 848, Scroll 2, 18.0010a10)
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Esoteric School - 4. Esoteric School Practices and Stages of attainment 密宗 肆、密宗的行持果位 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1