伶俐 línglì
clever; witty; intelligent
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- In Acknowledging One's Mistakes it is Essential to have Courage 認錯,要有勇氣 Hundred Sayings 2 - Philosophy of Being Second 《往事百語2-老二哲學》 — count: 1
- Songs 3 歌 ■之三 Buddhism Series 9 - Art and Literature 《佛教叢書9-藝文》 — count: 1
- Volume 1: The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha Triple Gem - Class 18: The Difference between Sravaka Monastics and Bodhisattas 第一冊 佛法僧三寶 第十八課 聲聞僧與菩薩僧的區別 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 13 - Dharmas without Concentration on Dharmas: The Peak of Life 星雲日記13~法無定法 人生之最(1991/10/1~10/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》 — count: 1
- Chapter 3: Unbounded Creativity - There are no Words to ask about the Heavens 卷三 創意無限 ■無語問蒼天 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 8 - The World's Energy 《人間萬事8-人間的能源》 — count: 1
- Process and Result 過程與結果 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 6 - Competing Against Yourself 《迷悟之間(六)和自己競賽》 — count: 1
- Scroll 3: The Gate of Happiness - Without Desire 卷三 幸福之門 無欲 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 10 - The Human World is Filled with Joy 《星雲法語10-歡喜滿人間》 — count: 1
- Skilfully Beckoning a Disaster 機巧招禍 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 7 - Having Meaningful Interests 《迷悟之間(七)生活的情趣》 — count: 1
- Scroll 1: The Incense of the World - How we have Fate with other People 卷一 人間有花香 怎樣有人緣 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 5 - The Incense of the World 《星雲法語5-人間有花香》 — count: 1
- Budgeting 預算 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 6 - Competing Against Yourself 《迷悟之間(六)和自己競賽》 — count: 1
- 夸伶俐 (誇伶俐) 人從巧計誇伶俐 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 6 - Competing Against Yourself 《迷悟之間(六)和自己競賽》, Budgeting 預算 — count: 6