不知天高地厚 bùzhī tiān gāodì hòu

bùzhī tiān gāodì hòu phrase not to know the immensity of heaven and earth; an exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '不知天高地厚')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 人不知天高地厚 (人不知天高地厚) 但是也有極少數的人不知天高地厚 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 3 - A Moment, A Lifetime 《迷悟之間(三)無常的真理》, The Idea of Guadan 掛一單的觀念 — count: 2