功罪 gōngzuì
achievements and crimes
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Lecture 3: Greed is the Cause of Suffering 第三講 多欲為生死的根本 Ten Lectures on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra 《八大人覺經十講》 — count: 1
- Scroll 2: What did We Forget? - Hint of a “Fart” 卷二 忘記了什麼 「放屁」的暗示 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 4 - Another Kind of Art 《人間萬事4-另類的藝術》 — count: 1
- Upali: First in Upholding the Precepts - 9 Disrupting a Monastic in Meditation and a Monastic Gathering 優波離--持戒第一 (9) 破僧與和僧 The Ten Great Disciples of the Buddha 《十大弟子傳》 — count: 1