Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 8 - Where do Blessings Come From? 《迷悟之間(八)福報哪裡來》
- Before Going to Work 上班以前
- Gain and Loss 得與失
- Working as an Official and Ethics 職務倫理
- Responding 反 應
- The Nature of a Bat 蝙蝠性格
- Chasing the Wind and Clutching at Shadows 捕風捉影
- Maxims 座右銘
- Following Feelings 跟著感覺走
- Think Tanks 智囊團
- Loosing your Cool 沉不住氣
- The Habit of Swarming around Pushing and Shouting 一窩蜂的習慣
- True Feminism 真女性主義
- Turning up the Heat 加 溫
- The Philosophy of Flying Kites 放風箏的哲學
- A Tall Hat 高帽子
- Widening the Road 拓寬道路
- Cautious When Alone 慎 獨
- Focal Distance to the Target 對準焦距
- Decorations 點 綴
- Center 中 心
- Burning the First Stick of Incense 燒頭香
- Differences 不一樣
- Yes and No YES與NO
- Creating Atmosphere 營造氣氛
- Ability to See 看得見
- Shuffling the Cards Again 重新洗牌
- Value 價 值
- Theory of Relativity 相對論
- Ways of Thinking 想 法
- One Sentence 一句話
- Market Price Indicators 行情表
- Large and Small 大與小
- What Different Kinds of People are there? 人有哪幾種 ?
- Many Uses 多多利用
- Mudslide 土石流
- Lotto 樂透了
- Where do Blessings Come From? 福報那裏來?
- Self Education 自我教育
- Self-Respect 尊 嚴
- Penetrating Space 無孔不入
- Mistaking the Means for the End 本末倒置
- The Use of a Temple 寺院的功能
- A Person with a Precious Talent 國寶級
- Tug-of-War 拔 河
- Losing Big Because of Something Small 因小失大
- Interpretations 解 讀
- Cheat! Cheat! Cheat! 騙騙騙
- Finding a Leader 找一個領袖
- The Most Suitable is the Best 合適最好
- Sincere Tolerance 敦厚寬容
- Ceremonies 典 禮
- A Cold Winter but a Warm Feeling 寒冬暖意
- Losing Weight 減 肥
- Fairness 公 平
- Develop Our Potential 開發潛能
- Social Atmosphere 社會風氣
- The Miracle of the Unearthing of the Buddha's Finger Relic 佛指出土奇蹟
- The Story of the Buddha's Finger Relic Coming to Taiwan 佛指來台內情
- The Inspiration of Shoes 鞋子的啟示
- Shortcuts 捷 徑
- New and Old 新與舊
- Midway Station 中途站
- Grand Dreams 春秋大夢
- The First Time 第一次
- Inspiration from Water 水的啟示
- What is the Strongest 什麼最強?
- Obedience 聽 話
- What am I Thinking? 我在想什麼?
- Timer 定時器
- There is Always a Reason for Meeting and Parting 聚散總是緣
- Mischief 惡作劇
- Advice 諫 言
- Like Minded 同 心
- Indulging in Fantasy 異想天開
- The Terror of Conflict 衝突的可怕
- Having a Conscience 摸摸良心
- Our Original Face 本來面目
- If 如 果
- Debate 辯 論
- An Observer 旁觀者
- Government Officials 官 僚
- Discounting 打折扣
- Idle Talk 閒 話
- Regret 懊 悔
- Year of the Horse 馬 年
- Adversity 逆 境
- Highrises 高 樓
- Leeway 餘 地
- Afflictions 煩 惱
- Cars 汽 車
- Anger 生 氣
- City Lights 華燈初上
- Being Dogmatic 武 斷
- Cryonics 漸凍人