媳妇熬成婆 (媳婦熬成婆) xífù áo chéng pó

xífù áo chéng pó phrase even a submissive daughter-in-law will one day become a domineering mother-in-law; the oppressed will become the oppressor
Domain: Proverb 谚语 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '媳婦熬成婆')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 年媳妇熬成婆 (年媳婦熬成婆) 多年媳婦熬成婆 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 2 - Prescription for the Heart 《迷悟之間(二)度一切苦厄》, Acting Humbly 老做小 — count: 6