四佛 sìfó

sìfó set phrase four Buddhas
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: Either four of the past Buddhas or the Buddhas of the four directions. The four past Buddhas referred to are: (1) 拘留孫佛 Krakucchanda, (2) 拘那含佛 Kanakamuni, (3) 迦葉波佛 Kāśyapa, and (4)釋迦牟尼佛 Śākyamuni. The Buddhas of the four directions referred to are: (1) 妙喜國之阿閦佛 Akṣobhya in the east, (2)歡喜國之寶相佛 Ratnaketu in the south, (3) 極樂國之無量壽佛 Amitāyus in the west, and (4) 蓮華莊嚴國之微妙聲佛 Dundubhisvara in the north (Ding '四佛'; FGDB '四佛'; SH '四佛').

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