十六罗汉 (十六羅漢) shíliù luóhàn

shíliù luóhàn set phrase sixteen Arhats
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Indian Buddhism , Concept: Arhat 罗汉
Notes: Who received a command from the Buddha to stay in the world to protect the Dharma: (1) 賓頭盧, (2) 迦諾迦伐蹉 Kanakavatsa, (3) 跋釐墮闍 Kanakabharadvāja, (4) 蘇頻陀 Subinda, (5) 諾矩羅 Nakula, (6) 跋陀羅 Bhadra, (7) 迦理迦 Kālika, (8) 伐闍羅弗多 Vajraputra, (9) 戍博迦 Jīvaka, (10) 半託迦 Panthaka, (11) 羅怙羅 Rāhula, (12) 挖耳羅漢 Nāgasena, (13) 因揭陀 Aṅgaja, (14) 伐那婆斯 Vanavāsin, (15) 阿氏多 Ajita, (16) 注荼半託迦 Cūḍapanthaka (Ding '十六羅漢'; FGDB '十六羅漢')

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Truncated for common words


  • 十六罗汉之一 (十六羅漢之一) 裡十六羅漢之一的賓頭盧頗羅墮尊者 — Humanistic Buddhism Series 5 - The Human World and Practice 《人間佛教系列5-人間與實踐》, A Future Vision of Buddhism 佛教的未來觀 — count: 2