性命 xìngmìng

  1. xìngmìng noun life [of a person]
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: In this sense 性命 refers to the life of a specific person or being. For example, from 出师表 To Lead out the Army, by Zhuge Liang in Scroll 37 of 文選 ”Wen Xuan”, 苟全性命 '[I] sought only to stay alive' (Pollard 2002, p. 27; CC-CEDICT '性命'; Guoyu '性命' 1; )
  2. xìngmìng noun life [concept]
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: In this sense 性命 refers to the concept of life (CC-CEDICT '性命'; Guoyu '性命' 2)

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