蚊虻 wénméng
a bug that is harmful to animals
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
, Subdomain: Zoology
, Concept:
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Sutra of the Vows of the Medicine Buddha of Lapus Lazuli Crystal Radiance 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 Buddhism Series 2 - Canonical Texts 《佛教叢書2-經典》 — count: 1
- A Record of Repentance 懺悔錄 Hundred Sayings 6 - Sentiment and Righteousness 《往事百語6-有情有義》 — count: 1
- Section 2 China - Chapter 11: Graceful Tang and Song Buddhist Men of Letters 第二篇 中國篇 第十一章 唐宋佛教文人的風采 Buddhism Series 5 - Buddhist History 《佛教叢書5-教史》 — count: 1
- Scroll 1: A Happy Life - The Problem with Getting Angry 卷一 快樂的生活 動氣的缺陷 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 10 - The Human World is Filled with Joy 《星雲法語10-歡喜滿人間》 — count: 1