远离 (遠離) yuǎnlí
to be removed from; to be far away from
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (ABC 'yuǎnlí' 远离 v 1) -
to be aloof
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (ABC 'yuǎnlí' 远离 v 2) -
to far off
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
Notes: (ABC 'yuǎnlí' 远离 v 3)
Contained in
- 正念如盾牌 可抵御强敌 以保卫自身 正见是盔甲 可抵挡诱惑 以远离三毒(正念如盾牌 可抵禦強敵 以保衛自身 正見是盔甲 可抵擋誘惑 以遠離三毒) Right mindfulness is like a shield that fends of the strongest enemies and helps you defend yourself. Right view is like armor the shields off all temptations and keeps the Three Poisons away.
- 道从远离(道從遠離) This Dhamma is for one who is reclusive
- 远离颠倒梦想(遠離顛倒夢想) escaping upside-down, dream-like thinking
- 远离诸病(遠離諸病) avoiding all afflictions
- 佛光会员信条 1.我们礼敬常住三宝,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我们信仰人间佛教,生活美满家庭幸福; 3.我们实践生活修行,随时随地心存恭敬; 4.我们奉行慈悲喜舍,日日行善端正身心; 5.我们尊重会员大众,来时欢迎去时相送; 6.我们具有正知正见,发掘自我般若本性; 7.我们现证法喜安乐,永断烦恼远离无明; 8.我们发愿普度众生,人间净土佛国现前。(佛光會員信條 1.我們禮敬常住三寶,正法永存佛光普照; 2.我們信仰人間佛教,生活美滿家庭幸福; 3.我們實踐生活修行,隨時隨地心存恭敬; 4.我們奉行慈悲喜捨,日日行善端正身心; 5.我們尊重會員大眾,來時歡迎去時相送; 6.我們具有正知正見,發掘自我般若本性; 7.我們現證法喜安樂,永斷煩惱遠離無明; 8.我們發願普度眾生,人間淨土佛國現前。) Guidelines For BLIA Members 1. We pay homage to the Triple Gem with reverence and actively devote our lives to the propagation of Buddhism. 2. We uphold the principle of Humanistic Buddhism and wish everyone health and happiness. 3. We practice the Buddhist teaching in everyday life and always maintain a devout and solemn heart. 4. We cultivate compassion, wisdom, and diligence for the benefit of all beings. 5. We respect our members and greet them warmly on every occasion. 6. We develop the wisdom that is within ourselves through “right understanding” and “right view.” 7. We experience the joy of Dharma through the eradication of ignorance and defilements. 8. We commit ourselves to the liberation of all beings from suffering and the creation of a pure land on Earth.
- 心是什么? 1. 心如猿猴难控制 您能把心管好吗 2. 心如电光刹那间 您能掌握心意吗 3. 心如野鹿逐声色 您能照见虚妄吗 4. 心如盗贼劫功德 您能降伏心魔吗 5. 心如怨家身受苦 您能远离对立吗 6. 心如童仆难唤使 您能平心静气吗 7. 心如国王能行令 您能与人为善吗 8. 心如泉水流不尽 您能布施大众吗 9. 心如画师描彩绘 您能美化世界吗 10. 心如虚空大无边 您能包容万有吗(心是什麼? 1. 心如猿猴難控制 您能把心管好嗎 2. 心如電光剎那間 您能掌握心意嗎 3. 心如野鹿逐聲色 您能照見虛妄嗎 4. 心如盜賊劫功德 您能降伏心魔嗎 5. 心如怨家身受苦 您能遠離對立嗎 6. 心如童僕難喚使 您能平心靜氣嗎 7. 心如國王能行令 您能與人為善嗎 8. 心如泉水流不盡 您能布施大眾嗎 9. 心如畫師描彩繪 您能美化世界嗎 10. 心如虛空大無邊 您能包容萬有嗎) What is the Mind Like? The mind is like a wild monkey, can you control it? The mind is like a flash of lightning, can you grasp it? The mind is like a deer chasing sound and color, can you dispel the delusions? The mind is like a bandit that plunders your merits, can you subdue this demon? The mind is like a foe causing pain to the body, can you reconcile the conflicts? The mind is like a restless child, can you remain calm and composed? The mind is like a king in command, can you oblige others? The mind is like an inexhaustible spring, can you be generous? The mind is like a painter, can you make the world beautiful? The mind is like a boundless void, can you embrace the myriad matters?
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 2: Places - Transcending Difficulty 卷二 處眾 遠離 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 9 - The Significance of Sticking out your Chest 《星雲法語9-挺胸的意味》 — count: 15
- Writings on Chan School Thought - Fuel for the Flame to Pass on the Lamp 宗門思想篇 薪火傳燈 Humanistic Buddhism Quotations 《人間佛教語錄》 — count: 13
- How to Become a Monastic 如何做一個出家人 Humanistic Buddhism Series 4 - Buddhism and Youth 《人間佛教系列4-佛教與青年》 — count: 9
- Volume 2: The Natural Laws of Cause and Effect 第二冊 自然因果法則 Humble Table, Wise Fare 《佛光菜根譚》 — count: 9
- Monasteries in the Mountains and Monasteries in the in the Cities - Monastics Living in Seclusion and Monastics Living in Society 山林寺院和都市寺院-----兼論蘭若比丘和人間比丘 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 8
- More than Ten Dharmas 十數佛法 Humanistic Buddhism Series 6 - Buddhist Studies and Seeking the Dharma 《人間佛教系列6-學佛與求法》 — count: 8
- How to be a Buddhist - Part 2: Upholding the Five Precepts, the Eight Precepts, and the Bodhisattva Precepts 怎樣做一個佛教徒 第二篇 受持五戒、八關齋戒、菩薩戒 Buddhism Series 1 - Doctrine 《佛教叢書1-教理》 — count: 8
- Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Precepts 人間佛教的戒學 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 7
- Buddhist Truth 佛教的真諦 Humanistic Buddhism Series 7 - Dharma and Doctrine 《人間佛教系列7-佛法與義理》 — count: 7
- Translation of Canonical Text 譯文 Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》 — count: 6
- 能远离 (能遠離) 悲咒能遠離一切邪惡 — Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》, Making the Buddha realm magnificint without dwelling in appearances - Part 10 [Lecture] 莊嚴佛土無有住相分第十 【講話】 — count: 9
- 远离烦恼 (遠離煩惱) 是遠離煩惱欲海 — Ten Lectures on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra 《八大人覺經十講》, Lecture 3: Greed is the Cause of Suffering 第三講 多欲為生死的根本 — count: 7
- 要远离 (要遠離) 要遠離我等四相 — Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》, Purification of the mind and doing good works are not distinguished as higher or lower - Part 23 [Lecture] 淨心行善法無高下分第二十三 【講話】 — count: 6
- 远离四相 (遠離四相) 要怎樣遠離四相的顛倒夢想呢 — Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》, The Mahayana bodhisattva ideal of making a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment - Part 3 [Lecture] 大乘菩薩發心分第三 【講話】 — count: 4
- 远离五欲 (遠離五慾) 要儘量遠離五欲 — Ten Lectures on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra 《八大人覺經十講》, Lecture 8: Morality Fosters Self-Control 第八講 持戒為節欲的根本 — count: 3
- 会远离 (會遠離) 就會遠離根本的苦惱 — The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》, The Buddha Replies 釋尊應答 — count: 3
- 远离尘 (遠離塵) 就是遠離塵欲的至尊 — Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》, Translation of Canonical Text 譯文 — count: 2
- 令众生远离 (令眾生遠離) 能令眾生遠離如剛才所說的婬欲 — The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》, 2: The Three Poisons 二.三毒難 — count: 2
- 不能远离 (不能遠離) 自不能遠離 — Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》, Translation of Canonical Text 譯文 — count: 2
- 远离毒品 (遠離毒品) 不飲酒而遠離毒品的誘惑 — Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》, Questions and Discussion 問題討論 — count: 2