边缘人 (邊緣人) biānyuán rén

biānyuán rén set phrase marginalized people
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: Not part of mainstream society (CC-CEDICT '邊緣人')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 边缘人物 (邊緣人物) 大地邊緣人物 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Hong Kong 香港 — count: 24
  • 大地边缘人 (大地邊緣人) 大地邊緣人物 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Hong Kong 香港 — count: 2