默默无闻 (默默無聞) mòmò wú wén

mòmò wú wén set phrase obscure and unknown; anonymous; a nobody; having no reputation
Domain: Idiom 成语 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: (CC-CEDICT '默默無聞'; CCI '默默无闻', p. 66; Guoyu '默默無聞')

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 默默无闻地 (默默無聞地) 我卻寧可默默無聞地發行雜誌刊物 — Hundred Sayings 2 - Philosophy of Being Second 《往事百語2-老二哲學》, Assess the Value Again 重新估定價值 — count: 2