自在天 zìzaitiān
proper noun
Mahesvara; Mahesvara Deva; Mahissara
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Concept: Deva 天
Notes: See 大自在天 (Ding '自在天'; SH '自在天') -
proper noun
Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Concept: Heaven 天
Notes: See 他化自在天 (FGDB '自在天')
Contained in
- 大自在天 Mahesvara; Mahesvara Deva; Mahissara
- 自在天王 Mahesvara
- 金刚顶瑜伽他化自在天理趣会普贤修行念诵仪轨(金剛頂瑜伽他化自在天理趣會普賢修行念誦儀軌) Vajra Pinnacle Yoga Paranirmitavasavartin Guiding Principle Assembly Samantabhadra Cultivation Liturgy; Jingang Ding Yujia Ta Hua Zizai Tian Li Qu Hui Puxian Xiuxing Niansong Yi Gui
- 化自在天 Nirmanarati Heaven; Nirmāṇarati Heaven
- 欢喜自在天(歡喜自在天) Nandikesvara
- 大自在天子因地经(大自在天子因地經) Dazizaitian Zi Yin Di Jing
- 三界二十八天; a. 欲界六天 1. 四天王天 2. 忉利天 3. 夜摩天 4. 兜率天 5. 化乐天 6. 他化自在天 b. 色界十八天 1. 梵众天 2. 梵辅天 3. 大梵天 4.少光天 5. 无量光天 6. 光音天 7. 少净天 8. 无量净天 9. 遍净天 10. 福生天 11. 福爱天 12. 广果天 13. 无想天 14. 无烦天 15. 无热天 16. 善见天 17. 善现天 18. 色究竟天 c.无色界四天 1. 空无边处天 2. 识无边处天 3. 无所有处天 4. 非想非非想处天(三界二十八天; a. 欲界六天 1. 四天王天 2. 忉利天 3. 夜摩天 4. 兜率天 5. 化樂天 6. 他化自在天 b. 色界十八天 1. 梵眾天 2. 梵輔天 3. 大梵天 4.少光天 5. 無量光天 6. 光音天 7. 少淨天 8. 無量淨天 9. 遍淨天 10. 福生天 11. 福愛天 12. 廣果天 13. 無想天 14. 無煩天 15. 無熱天 16. 善見天 17. 善現天 18. 色究竟天 c.無色界四天 1. 空無邊處天 2. 識無邊處天 3. 無所有處天 4. 非想非非想處天) Heaven: a. Six Heavens of the Desire Realm: 1. Caturmaharajika Heaven (the heaven of the four kings); 2. Trayastrimsa Heaven (the heaven of the thirty-three gods); 3. Yama Heaven (the heaven of timely restraint); 4. Tusita Heaven (the heaven of contentedness); 5. Nirmanarati Heaven (the heaven of joyful creation; 6. Paranirmita-vasavartin Heaven (the heaven of robbing others' pleasure); b. Eighteen Heavens of the Form Realm: 1. Brahma-parisadya Heaven (the heaven of the followers of Brahma); 2. Brahma-purohita Heaven (the heaven of the ministers of Brahma); 3. Mahabrahma Heaven (the heaven of the great Brahma); 4. Parittabha Heaven (the heaven of limited radiance); 5. Apramanabha Heaven (the heaven of infinite radiance); 6. Abhasvara Heaven (the heaven of radiant sound); 7. Parittasubha Heaven (the heaven of limited purity); 8. Apramanasubha Heaven (the heaven of infinite purity); 9. Subhakrtsna Heaven (the heaven of pervasive purity); 10. Punyaprasava Heaven (the heaven produced by virtue); 11. Anabhraka Heaven (the heaven of lovers of virtue); 12. Brhatphala Heaven (the heaven of bountiful fruits); 13. Asamjnisattvah Heaven (the heaven without thought); 14. Avrha Heaven (the heaven without affliction); 15. Atapa Heaven (the heaven without heat); 16. Sudarsana Heaven (the heaven of skillful vision); 17. Sudrsa Heaven (the heaven of skillful manifestation); 18. Akanistha Heaven (the supreme heaven of the form realm); c. Four Heavens of the Formless Realm: 1. Akasanantyayatana Heaven (the heaven of limitless space); 2. Vijnananantyayatana Heaven (the heaven of limitless consciousness); 3. Akiṃcanyaayatana Heaven (the heaven of nothingness); 4. Naiva-samjnanasamjnayatana Heaven (the heaven of neither thought nor non-thought)
- 摩醯首罗大自在天王神通化生伎艺天女念诵法(摩醯首羅大自在天王神通化生伎藝天女念誦法) Ritual Invoking Maheśvara’s Magical Transformation of Śṛīdevī; Moxishouluo Dazizaitian Wang Shentong Huasheng Ji Yi Tiannu Niansong Fa
- 难提自在天(難提自在天) Nandikesvara
- 大圣欢喜双身大自在天毘那夜迦王归依念诵供养法(大聖歡喜雙身大自在天毘那夜迦王歸依念誦供養法) Liturgy, Refuge, and Offering Ritual of King Vinayaka, the Dual-Bodied Mahasvara; Da Sheng Huanxi Shuang Shen Dazizaitian Pinayejia Wang Guiyi Niansong Gongyang Fa
- 他化自在天 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven; paranirmitavaśavartin
- 佛说大自在天子因地经(佛說大自在天子因地經) Fo Shuo Dazizaitian Zi Yin Di Jing
- 自在天魔 the Mara King
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Chapter 27: Jetavana Monastery 第廿七章 祇園精舍的建立 The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 《釋迦牟尼佛傳》 — count: 16
- 2: The Thirty Three Manifestations of Avalokiteśvara (heavenly body and human body) 二.三十三身(天身、人身) The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》 — count: 9
- Universal Gate Sutra 觀世音菩薩普門品 Buddhism Series 2 - Canonical Texts 《佛教叢書2-經典》 — count: 2
- 3: The Thirty Three Manifestations of Avalokiteśvara (eight bodies, Vajrapāṇi) 三.三十三身(八部身,執金剛身) The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》 — count: 2
- Volume 3: Bodhisattva Cultivation and Experiential Understanding - Class 4: The Causes and Conditions for Avalokitesvara's Ability to Transform the World 第三冊 菩薩行證 第四課 觀世音菩薩的化世因緣 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 1
- Lecture 5: Laziness Leads to Downfall 第五講 精進為降魔的根本 Ten Lectures on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra 《八大人覺經十講》 — count: 1
- Buddhism and Combining Languages 佛教與聯語 Buddhism Series 8 - Use of the Teachings 《佛教叢書8-教用》 — count: 1
- Volume 9: Investigation of Buddhist Questions - Class 9: Bodhisattvas 第九冊 佛教問題探討 第九課 菩薩 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 1
- Satyasiddhi School - The History and Continued Tradition of the Satyasiddhi School 成實宗 壹、成實宗的歷史傳承 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- Chapter 26: Bamboo Grove Monastery 第廿六章 在竹林精舍的教化 The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 《釋迦牟尼佛傳》 — count: 1
- 自在天身 (自在天身) 應以自在天身得度者 — The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》, 2: The Thirty Three Manifestations of Avalokiteśvara (heavenly body and human body) 二.三十三身(天身、人身) — count: 8
- 自在天神 (自在天神) 我們往日都是崇奉自在天神的 — The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 《釋迦牟尼佛傳》, Chapter 27: Jetavana Monastery 第廿七章 祇園精舍的建立 — count: 6
- 现自在天 (現自在天) 即現自在天身而為說法 — The Universal Gate : a Commentary on Avalokitesvara's Universal Gate Sutra 《觀世音菩薩普門品講話》, 2: The Thirty Three Manifestations of Avalokiteśvara (heavenly body and human body) 二.三十三身(天身、人身) — count: 3
- 说自在天 (說自在天) 若說自在天是無心而作 — The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 《釋迦牟尼佛傳》, Chapter 27: Jetavana Monastery 第廿七章 祇園精舍的建立 — count: 2
- 欲界自在天 (欲界自在天) 如欲界自在天的魔王等 — Ten Lectures on the Eight Realizations of a Bodhisattva Sutra 《八大人覺經十講》, Lecture 5: Laziness Leads to Downfall 第五講 精進為降魔的根本 — count: 2