下泪 (下淚) xià lèi

xià lèi phrase tears that he cried
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文 , Subdomain: , Concept:
Notes: Collocation: from 南史·卷七十三 “History of the Southern Dynasties”, volume 73 (Amies 2021 tr.; see also tr. in Knapp 2014, p. 669)

Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 流下泪 (流下淚) 空也禪師雙眼流下淚來 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 11 - The Philosophy of Success 《迷悟之間(十一)成功的理念》, Tears 眼 淚 — count: 10
  • 下泪来 (下淚來) 空也禪師雙眼流下淚來 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 11 - The Philosophy of Success 《迷悟之間(十一)成功的理念》, Tears 眼 淚 — count: 9