細密 (細密) xìmì
close; fine and close
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 1: The Incense of the World - The Bearing of a Person of Noble Character 卷一 人間有花香 君子之格 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 5 - The Incense of the World 《星雲法語5-人間有花香》 — count: 4
- Introduction 前言 Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》 — count: 2
- Remembering the Inspection of the Meiyue Medical Treatment Center 梅約醫療中心檢查記 A Life With Palms Joined 4 - Hunger 《合掌人生4-飢餓》 — count: 2
- Vignanavada - 3. The Essentials of the Vignanavada 唯識宗 參、唯識宗的要義 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- “Thoughts about Buddhist Monasteries” Do Not Live Passing Time in Vain 《叢林所思》生命不空過 Selected Humanistic Buddhism Prefaces 《人間佛教序文選》 — count: 1
- Chapter 3: Planning in Advance - Established Standards 卷三 胸有成竹 ■規矩 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 9 - Thinking about Positioning for Advantage 《人間萬事9-往好處去想》 — count: 1
- Selected Letters - Giving a Whole Nation's Buddhists a Letter - Six Perfections Enables Capacity to Endure Hardship, Expand the Future 書信選 給全國佛教徒的一封信──六度精神來荷擔憂患,開拓未來 Humanistic Buddhism Selected Letters 《人間佛教書信選》 — count: 1
- Cooperation Between the Six Sense Organs 六根互用 Hundred Sayings 3 - A Win-Win Situation For All 《往事百語3-皆大歡喜》 — count: 1
- Scroll 2: Why We should Live - Macro and Micro 卷二 為何而活 宏與微 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 3 - A Magnanimous Life 《人間萬事3-豁達的人生》 — count: 1
- My Appraisal of Contemporary Characters 我對當代人物的評議 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 4 - Social Affinities 2 《百年佛緣4-社緣篇2》 — count: 1
- 要細密 (要細密) 心也要細密 — Hsing Yun Dharma Words 3 - Dwelling Peacefully in Body and Mind 《星雲法語3-身心的安住》, Scroll 2: Managing the Mind - Adapting the Mind 卷二 心的管理 調心 — count: 4
- 家风細密 (家風細密) 家風細密 — Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》, Introduction 前言 — count: 4
- 細密周全 (細密周全) 我的心思變得細密周全 — Hundred Sayings 3 - A Win-Win Situation For All 《往事百語3-皆大歡喜》, Cooperation Between the Six Sense Organs 六根互用 — count: 3
- 細密磨砺 (細密磨礪) 必須經由匠人的細密磨礪 — Selected Humanistic Buddhism Prefaces 《人間佛教序文選》, “Venerable Master Hsing Yun Discusses Reading” Preface: Fragrance and Beauty 《星雲大師談讀書》序 : 馨香與華光 — count: 2