侵华 (侵華) qīnhuà
to invade China
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Notes: Referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan (CC-CEDICT '侵華')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Hsing Yun Diary 23 - May Every Vow Be Accomplished: The Buddha's Work 星雲日記23~有願必成 佛陀的工作(1993/5/16~1993/5/31) Hsing Yun Diary (1993/1-1994/8) 《星雲日記(1993/1~1994/8)》 — count: 4
- Volume 4: Buddhist History - Class 20: Development of the Burgeoning Religious Community 第四冊 佛教史 第二十課 新興教團的開展 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 2
- Care for Living and Dying Investigation (Volume 3) - A Buddhist View of 'Palliative Care' 生死關懷探討(下冊) 佛教對「臨終關懷」的看法 Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》 — count: 2
- Conditions for Winning 勝利的條件 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 4 - A Life of Pluses and Minuses 《迷悟之間(四)生命的密碼》 — count: 1
- “Li Zijian's Oil Paintings World” Preface 《李自健油畫國際巡迴展作品集》序 Selected Humanistic Buddhism Prefaces 《人間佛教序文選》 — count: 1
- The Mainland Sangha in Taiwan 大陸僧侶在台灣 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 7 - A Monastic's Faith 1 《百年佛緣7-僧信篇1》 — count: 1
- Me and Artists 我與藝術家們 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 5 - Culture and Education 1 《百年佛緣5-文教篇1》 — count: 1
- Learning to Apologize 道歉的學問 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 7 - Having Meaningful Interests 《迷悟之間(七)生活的情趣》 — count: 1
- Society Issues Investigation (Volume 1) - A Buddhist View of 'Economic Problems' 社會議題探討(上冊) 佛教對「經濟問題」的看法 Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》 — count: 1
- I Assumed 我以為 Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 10 - Management Trilogy 《迷悟之間(十)管理三部曲》 — count: 1
- 日本侵华 (日本侵華) 日本侵華 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 4 - A Life of Pluses and Minuses 《迷悟之間(四)生命的密碼》, Conditions for Winning 勝利的條件 — count: 9
- 侵华期间 (侵華期間) 不斷發掘日本侵華期間的罪行 — Hsing Yun Diary (1993/1-1994/8) 《星雲日記(1993/1~1994/8)》, Hsing Yun Diary 23 - May Every Vow Be Accomplished: The Buddha's Work 星雲日記23~有願必成 佛陀的工作(1993/5/16~1993/5/31) — count: 4
- 军阀侵华 (軍閥侵華) 日本軍閥侵華 — Humanistic Buddhism Series 3 - Buddhism and Life 《人間佛教系列3-佛教與生活》, Buddhism and Life (3) 佛教與生活(三) — count: 2
- 侵华日军 (侵華日軍) 而當天距離一九三七年十二月十三日侵華日軍在中國南京製造慘絕人寰的大屠殺事件正好屆滿五十周年 — Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》, Care for Living and Dying Investigation (Volume 3) - A Buddhist View of 'Palliative Care' 生死關懷探討(下冊) 佛教對「臨終關懷」的看法 — count: 2