败德 (敗德) bàidé
evil conduct
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
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Notes: (CC-CEDICT '敗德')
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Text - Proper Cultivation of the Three Karmas 文 ■淨修三業 Buddhism Series 9 - Art and Literature 《佛教叢書9-藝文》 — count: 1
- Chapter 2: Stages of Life - Being Sick 卷二 生命的層次 ■生病 Life's Ten Thousand Affairs 11 - Life's Possessions 《人間萬事11-生命的擁有》 — count: 1
- Tiantai School - Introduction 天臺宗 前言 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- Canonical Evidence for Humanistic Buddhism (Recorded in at Total of 28 Kinds of Canonical Text) - A Path to Sustain a Good Reputation 人間佛教的經證(共收錄二十八種經典) ■獲好名聲之道 Buddhism Series 10 - Humanistic Buddhism 《佛教叢書10-人間佛教》 — count: 1
- Hsing Yun Diary 37 - Wholesome Understanding: The Art of Declining 星雲日記37~善聽 拒絕的藝術(1995/9/1~1995/9/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1994/9-1996/12) 《星雲日記(1994/9~1996/12)》 — count: 1
- Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Precepts 人間佛教的戒學 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 1
- Scroll 2: Places - The Extreme of “Great” 卷二 處眾 「大」之極 Hsing Yun Dharma Words 9 - The Significance of Sticking out your Chest 《星雲法語9-挺胸的意味》 — count: 1
- Tiantai School - 1. Tiantai School History and Tradition 天臺宗 壹、天臺宗的歷史傳承 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- Volume 9: Investigation of Buddhist Questions - Class 12: Life 第九冊 佛教問題探討 第十二課 人生 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 1
- Community Ethics Investigation (Volume 2) - A Buddhist View of 'Life Fate' 族群倫理探討(中冊) 佛教對「人生命運」的看法 Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》 — count: 1
- 败德危 (敗德危) 敗德危身皆由此起 — Buddhism Series 4 - Disciples 《佛教叢書4-弟子》, 2. India - Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, who was Respected by all the Eight Sects 貳、印度 ■八宗共祖龍樹菩薩 — count: 3
- 败德行 (敗德行) 則自不敗德行 — Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》, Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Precepts 人間佛教的戒學 — count: 2
- 感败德 (感敗德) 行惡者則招感敗德者為子孫 — Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》, Community Ethics Investigation (Volume 2) - A Buddhist View of 'Life Fate' 族群倫理探討(中冊) 佛教對「人生命運」的看法 — count: 2