的 de
possessive particle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Structural Particle 结构助词
Notes: In this use 的 indicates the the item following belongs to the item preceding. It is required in most cases where a possessive relationship is intended (Ho 2002, '的' 1). For example, 政府的工作 'the government's work' (Xinhua Net, 2015-12-23). 的 is the most frequent word in the Beijing Language Institute's 1985 frequency wordlist (Ho 2002, '的'). -
structural particle
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Structural Particle 结构助词
Notes: In this usage, 的 modifies an adjective with more than one syllable to indicate an attributive relationship (Ho 2002, '的' 2; Li Shaoqi, 2003, pp. 419-420). For example, 她低声的说 She said in a low voice (Lao She, 2003, p. 176). 的 is used after reduplicated one syllable adjectives that modify a noun. In addition, 的 is also used in an attributive prepositional prhase that modifies a noun. For example, 这没有什么对不起人的地方。 'There is nothing to be sorry about here.' (Lao She, 2003, p. 174) 的 is used after a verb that modifies a noun. -
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Structural Particle 结构助词
Notes: In this usage, 的 acts as a complement. For example, 工作是充分肯定的 'the work was abundant confirmed.' (Li Shaoqi, 2003, pp. 420-421) -
a substitute for something already referred to
Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语 , Subdomain: Function Words , Concept: Structural Particle 结构助词
Notes: In this usage, 的 acts as a substitute for something referred to earlier or understood. For example, 黑的或白的? 'A black one or a white one?' (Li Shaoqi, 2003, p. 421)
Contained in
- 星云法语 1 生活的钥匙(星雲法語 1 生活的鑰匙) Keys to Living Well
- 随缘不变是最好的性格(隨緣不變是最好的性格) It is best to follow conditions with an unchanging principle
- 1. 佛光人要发挥集体创作的成就 2. 佛光人要坚守非佛不作的信念 3. 佛光人要认同制度领导的精神 4. 佛光人要遵从唯法所依的准则(1. 佛光人要發揮集體創作的成就 2. 佛光人要堅守非佛不作的信念 3. 佛光人要認同制度領導的精神 4. 佛光人要遵從唯法所依的準則) 1. Fo Guang members should accomplish by collective effort. 2. Fo Guang members should believe in doing only what is in accord with Buddhism. 3. Fo Guang members should recognize the spirit of leadership by system. 4. Fo Guang members should abide by the principle of relying on nothing but the Dharma.
- 从六祖坛经谈禅宗教学的特质(從六祖壇經談禪宗教學的特質) Chan Teachings of Huineng
- 佛教对当代问题的探讨(二)(佛教對當代問題的探討(二)) Life: Politics, Human Rights, and What the Buddha Said About Life
- 无限的未来(無限的未來) an infinite future
- 星云法语 自在的人生(星雲法語 自在的人生) The Carefree Life
- 从教学守道谈到禅宗的特色(從教學守道談到禪宗的特色) Teaching, Learning, and Upholding the Way in Chan Buddhism
- 1. 重覆的举止 会变成习惯 2. 定型的习惯 会变成个性 3. 个性的走向 会决定命运 4. 命运的好坏 会决定一生(1. 重覆的舉止 會變成習慣 2. 定型的習慣 會變成個性 3. 個性的走向 會決定命運 4. 命運的好壞 會決定一生) Repeated actions become your habits, Habits determine your character, Character influences your future, Your future decides your life.
- 人死亡之后的生命怎么样(人死亡之後的生命怎麼樣) Buddhism in Every Step: When We Die
- 要做个什么人? 做共生的地球人 做同体的慈悲人 做明理的智慧人 做有力的忍耐人 做布施的结缘人 做欢喜的快乐人 做融和的佛光人 做清净的修道人(要做個甚麼人? 做共生的地球人 做同體的慈悲人 做明理的智慧人 做有力的忍耐人 做布施的結緣人 做歡喜的快樂人 做融和的佛光人 做清淨的修道人) What Kind of Person Should We Be? Be a global person who coexists with others. Be a compassionate person who feels oneness with all. Be a wise person who is reasonable. Be a patient person who is also strong. Be an open person who gives generously. Be a happy person who is also joyful. Be a Buddha's Light member who is also harmonious. Be a spiritual practitioner who is also pure.
- 爱的净化是慈悲,爱的提昇是智慧(愛的淨化是慈悲,愛的提昇是智慧) Purified love is compassion, and elevated love is wisdom
- 佛教对当代问题的探讨(佛教對當代問題的探討) A Look at Modern Social issues
- 不知道的乐趣(不知道的樂趣) There is fun in not knowing.
- 佛教与我─生命的活水(佛教與我─生命的活水) Buddhism and Me: Living Stream of Life
- 自我的圆融(自我的圓融) harmonizing the self and the world
- 当东方遇上西方─星云大师与汉学家的对谈(當東方遇上西方─星雲大師與漢學家的對談) When the East meets the West - A Dialogue between Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Sinologists.
- 佛教的人生真义是什么(佛教的人生真義是什麼) What is the Truth of Buddhism
- 人间佛教的戒学(人間佛教的戒學) Humanistic Buddhist Morality
- 地藏菩萨的愿力(地藏菩薩的願力) power of Ksitigarbha’s vow
- 从阿弥陀经说到净土思想的建立(從阿彌陀經說到淨土思想的建立) The Amitabha Sutra and the Pure Land school
- 星云法语 2 修道者的心(星雲法語 2 修道者的心) The Mind of a Practitioner
- 星云大师佛学讲座─人间佛教的戒定慧学(星雲大師佛學講座─人間佛教的戒定慧學) Venerable Master's Buddhist Lecture Series on Discipline, Mental Cultivation, and Wisdom of Humanistic Buddhism
- 个人的做人处世(個人的做人處世) ways of personal relationships
- 净化的(淨化的) what purifies
- 二十一世纪的未来世界(二十一世紀的未來世界) Prospects of the 21st Century
- 佛光山的宗风 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集体创作,尊重包容 3. 学行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教团,四众平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 传统现代,相互融和 7. 国际交流,同体共生 8. 人间佛教,佛光净土(佛光山的宗風 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集體創作,尊重包容 3. 學行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教團,四眾平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 傳統現代,相互融和 7. 國際交流,同體共生 8. 人間佛教,佛光淨土) The Focus of Fo Guang Shan 1. To propagate all eight schools of Buddhism, and promote the coexistence of monastics and laity. 2. To stress teamwork and promote respect and magnanimity. 3. To attend equally to cultivate teaching, learning, and practice, and conduct business democratically. 4. To have our monastery uphold the Six Harmonies and emphasize equality among the four groups (bhiksu, bhiksuni, upasaka, upasika). 5. To harmonize politics, religion, and worldly affairs without conflict. 6. To integrate tradition and modernism. 7. To communicate globally, being conscious of homogeneity and interdependence. 8. To cultivate Humanistic Buddhism to build a Buddha's Light Pure Land.
- 佛陀的样子(佛陀的樣子) Buddhism in Every Step: Seeing the Buddha
- 贫僧有话要说系列 – 我的管理模式(貧僧有話要說系列 – 我的管理模式) Buddhism in Every Step: Hear Me Out – My Way of Management
- 佛门的一日(佛門的一日) A Day In the Buddhist Monastery
Also contained in
西式的餐点 、 狗娘养的 、 加的夫 、 天主的羔羊 、 严重的问题 、 的黎波里 、 猛乍的 、 现实的条件 、 不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友 、 灵活的方法 、 阿的平 、 扑的 、 相加性的 、 人的感情 、 别的 、 差不多的 、 天杀的 、 面向对象的技术 、 什么的 、 灵的世界 、 加的斯
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Humanistic Buddhism: A Blueprint for Life 人間佛教的藍圖 Humanistic Buddhism Series 5 - The Human World and Practice 《人間佛教系列5-人間與實踐》 — count: 1841
- Japan 日本 Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》 — count: 1496
- India 印度 Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》 — count: 1417
- Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Wisdom 人間佛教的慧學 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 1268
- From Each Buddhist School and Sect all Kinds of Methods for Cultivation have been Taught 從佛教各宗各派說到各種修持的方法 Humanistic Buddhism Series 10 - Humanistic Buddhism Series 10 - Religion and Experience 《人間佛教系列10-宗教與體驗》 — count: 1207
- Thailand 泰國 Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》 — count: 1098
- Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Meditation 人間佛教的定學 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 1019
- Humanistic Buddhism: A Blueprint for Life (2) 人間佛教的藍圖(下) Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 948
- Society Issues Investigation (Volume 1) - A Buddhist View of 'Economic Problems' 社會議題探討(上冊) 佛教對「經濟問題」的看法 Humanistic Buddhism Series Contemporary Questions Symposium 《人間佛教當代問題座談會》 — count: 935
- Malaysia 馬來亞 Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》 — count: 933