肃 (肅) sù
to pay respects
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 恭敬 (Guoyu '肅' v 1; Kroll 2015 '肅' 3, p. 433; ; Unihan '肅') -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 严肃 (Guoyu '肅' adj 1; Kroll 2015 '肅' 2, p. 433; Unihan '肅'; XHZD '肃' 2, p. 711) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 恭敬的 (Guoyu '肅' adj 1; Kroll 2015 '肅' 1, p. 433; XHZD '肃' 1, p. 711) -
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 敛缩 (Guoyu '肅' v 4; Kroll 2015 '肅' 4, p. 433) -
to put into order
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: (Kroll 2015 '肅' 5, p. 433) -
to revere
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 敬畏 (Guoyu '肅' v 2) -
to guard against
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 戒备 (Guoyu '肅' v 3) -
to be urgent
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: In the sense of 急迫 (Guoyu '肅' v 5) -
to welcome
Domain: Literary Chinese 文言文
Notes: As in 肃客 (Guoyu '肅' v 6)
Contained in
- 肃众(肅眾) to reprimand
- 鞞摩肃经(鞞摩肅經) Bimosu Jing; Vekhaṇasasutta
- 法不整肃(法不整肅) The laws are not settled.
- 肃宗请塔样(肅宗請塔樣) Emperor Suzong asks about the likeness of the pagoda
Also contained in
齐肃 、 肃州 、 肃反 、 肃南裕固族自治县 、 肃北蒙古族自治县 、 甘肃省 、 甘肃 、 甘肃行省 、 肃宗皇帝 、 肃静 、 肃反运动 、 肃宁 、 严肃 、 甘肃回民起义 、 肃北县 、 鲁肃 、 谨肃 、 唐肃宗 、 肃穆 、 整肃 、 肃清 、 肃客 、 肃敬 、 孝肃 、 肃州区 、 肃然起敬 、 端肃 、 肃慎 、 甘肃柳莺 、 肃然 、 肃宗帝 、 肃清反革命分子 、 肃杀 、 肃宗 、 肃宁县 、 高丽忠肃王 、 肃肃 、 王肃 、 肃立
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Hsing Yun Diary 41 - What Samsara is Like: Important Matters and Small Matters 星雲日記41~生死一如 大事與小事(1996/5/16~1996/5/31) Hsing Yun Diary (1994/9-1996/12) 《星雲日記(1994/9~1996/12)》 — count: 9
- Standards for Language in Buddhist Monasteries 佛教叢林語言規範 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 3
- 7. Etiquette - 8. Protocol for Letters 柒、生活禮儀篇 八、書信的禮儀 Buddhism Series 7 - Organization and Ceremonies 《佛教叢書7-儀制》 — count: 3
- Fo Guang Shan Bhiksu Arhats 佛光山比丘阿羅漢 Buddhist Affinities over a Century 8 - A Monastic's Faith 2 《百年佛緣8-僧信篇2》 — count: 3
- Volume 12: A Selection of Buddhist Works - Class 24: Selected Works 第十二冊 佛教作品選錄 第二十四課 文選 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 2
- Hsing Yun Diary 17 - The Dharma Gate of Non-Duality: From the Ten Directions and Back to the Ten Directions 星雲日記17~不二法門 十方來十方去(1992/5/1~1992/5/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》 — count: 2
- 3 Resolving the Unresolved - Canonical Text and Notes 第三 決疑品 經文.註釋 Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》 — count: 2
- Hsing Yun Diary 27 - True Spiritual Practice: True and False Paths 星雲日記27~真修行 是非之道(1994/2/1~1994/2/15) Hsing Yun Diary (1993/1-1994/8) 《星雲日記(1993/1~1994/8)》 — count: 2
- Treasured Instructions of Chan Temples 禪林寶訓 Buddhism Series 2 - Canonical Texts 《佛教叢書2-經典》 — count: 2
- 1. China - Eminent Figure from Hedong, Chancellor Pei Xiu 壹、中國 ■河東大士裴休宰相 Buddhism Series 4 - Disciples 《佛教叢書4-弟子》 — count: 2
- 肃贪 (肅貪) 還有肅貪掃黑 — Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 6 - Competing Against Yourself 《迷悟之間(六)和自己競賽》, Everyone Should Be the Police 人人做警察 — count: 11
- 新肃 (新肅) 甚至大女兒李新肅 — A Life With Palms Joined 1 - In Nanjing, I was my Mother's Audience 《合掌人生1-在南京,我是母親的聽眾》, Buddhism's Relatives by Marriage 佛門親家 — count: 5
- 梁肃 (梁肅) 立法院長梁肅戎 — Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》, Hsing Yun Diary 11 - The Heart of a Bodhisattva: Career Planning 星雲日記11~菩薩情懷 生涯規畫(1991/5/1~5/15) — count: 5
- 从严肃 (從嚴肅) 當然只有從嚴肅的生活中去培養自己的德行 — Buddhism Series 3 - The Buddha 《佛教叢書3-佛陀》, The Buddha Divides a Seat in Half (Cultivation) 佛陀分半座(修持) — count: 4
- 肃容 (肅容) 士庶肅容 — Lectures on the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 《六祖壇經講話》, 3 Resolving the Unresolved - Canonical Text and Notes 第三 決疑品 經文.註釋 — count: 4
- 静肃 (靜肅) 寮房內應保持靜肅 — Buddhism Series 7 - Organization and Ceremonies 《佛教叢書7-儀制》, 3. Make a Pilgrimage to a Temple - 2. Monastery Delegations 參、寺院巡禮篇 二、寺院參訪 — count: 3
- 内肃 (內肅) 名內肅 — Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》, Standards for Language in Buddhist Monasteries 佛教叢林語言規範 — count: 2
- 容肃 (容肅) 湯容肅 — Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》, Hsing Yun Diary 17 - The Dharma Gate of Non-Duality: From the Ten Directions and Back to the Ten Directions 星雲日記17~不二法門 十方來十方去(1992/5/1~1992/5/15) — count: 2
- 肃等 (肅等) 梁肅等最為傑出 — Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》, Tiantai School - Introduction 天臺宗 前言 — count: 2
- 肃戎 (肅戎) 立法院長梁肅戎 — Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》, Hsing Yun Diary 11 - The Heart of a Bodhisattva: Career Planning 星雲日記11~菩薩情懷 生涯規畫(1991/5/1~5/15) — count: 2