赶 (趕) gǎn

  1. gǎn verb to catch up; to pursue; to follow
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '趕'; Unihan '趕')
  2. gǎn verb to drive away
    Domain: Modern Chinese 现代汉语
    Notes: (CC-CEDICT '趕'; Unihan '趕')

Contained in

Also contained in


Word is mentioned most frequently in

Truncated for common words


  • 赶回 (趕回) 便匆忙從挽巴因趕回曼谷 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Thailand 泰國 — count: 26
  • 赶去 (趕去) 他們都要趕去機場送行 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Thailand 泰國 — count: 15
  • 要赶 (要趕) 甚至要趕他回家 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 5: Organizational Management 《僧事百講5-組織管理》, Lecture 4: Master-Disciple Paradigms 第四講.師徒範例 — count: 10
  • 赶经忏 (趕經懺) 如果寺廟每天趕經懺 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 2: Becoming a Monastic and the Rules of the Precepts 《僧事百講2-出家戒法》, Lecture 11: The Life of a Monastic 第十一講.僧侶一生 — count: 10
  • 赶写 (趕寫) 繼續趕寫考卷 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, India 印度 — count: 8
  • 赶场 (趕場) 經年的趕場赴會不但使我居無定所 — Hundred Sayings 1 - Perfectly Willing 《往事百語1-心甘情願》, Perfectly Willing 心甘情願 — count: 6
  • 赶赶 (趕趕) 可以趕趕烏鴉 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 4: Assemblies and Dharma Services 《僧事百講4-集會共修》, Lecture 10: Short-Term Monastic Retreat 第十講.短期出家 — count: 6
  • 匆匆赶 (匆匆趕) 我們不得不匆匆趕回去 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Malaysia 馬來亞 — count: 6
  • 赶回来 (趕回來) 短時間之內來不及趕回來奔喪 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 3: Activities at Places of Practice 《僧事百講3-道場行事》, Lecture 18: Repentance and Buddhist Services 第十八講.經懺佛事 — count: 5
  • 来赶 (來趕) 也有好幾位泰僧來趕熱鬧 — Traces Over the Sky and Ocean 《海天遊踪》, Malaysia 馬來亞 — count: 4