One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 4: Assemblies and Dharma Services 《僧事百講4-集會共修》
- Lecture 1: Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem 第一講.皈依三寶
- Lecture 2: Upholding the Five Precepts 第二講.奉持五戒
- Lecture 3: Secret Practice 第三講.密行修持
- Lecture 4: Meritorious Buddhist Services 第四講.功德佛事
- Lecture 5: Eight Precepts Retreat 第五講.八關齋戒
- Lecture 6: The Practice of Giving Up 第六講.放的修行
- Lecture 7: End-of-Life Chanting 第七講.往生助念
- Lecture 8: Family Gathering 第八講.親屬聚會
- Lecture 9: Chanting Practice 第九講.念佛法門
- Lecture 10: Short-Term Monastic Retreat 第十講.短期出家
- Lecture 11: The Practice of Guanyin 第十一講.觀音法門
- Lecture 12: Pilgrimage and Paying Respect to Buddha 第十二講.朝山禮佛
- Lecture 13: Combined Practice of Chan and Pureland 第十三講.禪淨共修
- Lecture 14: Assembly and Group Cultivation 第十四講.集會共修
- Lecture 15: Home Visits 第十五講.家庭普照
- Lecture 16: Arriving Visitors 第十六講.賓客往來