五逆 wǔ nì
wǔ nì
set phrase
pañca-ānantarya-karma; Five Great Violations; Five Cardinal Sins; the five heinous crimes
Domain: Buddhism 佛教
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Notes: Sanskrit equivalent: pañca-ānantarya-karma, there are different formulations for Theravāda and Mahāyāna. For Theravāda they are 1. patricide, 2. matricide, 3. killing an arahant, 4. wounding a buddha, 5. creating a schism in the sangha (FGDB '五逆'; Lancaster 1968, 377; Tzu Chuang 2012, pp. 368-370)
Contained in
- 佛说灭除五逆罪大陀罗尼经(佛說滅除五逆罪大陀羅尼經) Elimination of Karma from the Five Great Violations Dharani Sutra; Fo Shuo Miechu Wu Ni Zui Da Tuoluoni Jing
- 五逆罪 pañca-ānantarya-karma; the Five Great Violations; Five Cardinal Sins; the five heinous crimes
- 人生诸苦 悭贪之人伶仃孤苦 挥霍之人求不得苦 懒惰之人千辛万苦 矫情之人嘴甜心苦 麻木之人不知甘苦 执着之人放不下苦 瞋恨之人怨憎会苦 五逆之人倒悬悲苦 风尘之人内心痛苦 流浪之人颠波泪苦 边疆之人穷困辛苦 军中之人战斗累苦 病亡之人爱别离苦 乞讨之人淒凉哀苦 创业之人备尝辛苦 发心之人不辞劳苦 养育之人含辛茹苦 情义之人同甘共苦 勤奋之人不以为苦 慈悲之人喜乐拔苦 喜舍之人济贫救苦 积善之人无有众苦(人生諸苦 慳貪之人伶仃孤苦 揮霍之人求不得苦 懶惰之人千辛萬苦 矯情之人嘴甜心苦 麻木之人不知甘苦 執著之人放不下苦 瞋恨之人怨憎會苦 五逆之人倒懸悲苦 風塵之人內心痛苦 流浪之人顛波淚苦 邊疆之人窮困辛苦 軍中之人戰鬥累苦 病亡之人愛別離苦 乞討之人淒涼哀苦 創業之人備嘗辛苦 發心之人不辭勞苦 養育之人含辛茹苦 情義之人同甘共苦 勤奮之人不以為苦 慈悲之人喜樂拔苦 喜捨之人濟貧救苦 積善之人無有眾苦) The Pains of Life Stinginess and greed cause the pain of loneliness. Extravagance causes the pain of discontent. Laziness causes the pain of hardship. Pretentiousness causes the pain of insincerity. Nonchalance causes the pain of apathy. Stubbornness causes the pain of attachment. Anger causes the pain of unpleasant meetings. The Five Offenses cause the pain of being born as an animal. Prostitution bears the pain of unspeakable torment. Vagrancy causes the pain of displacement. Being on the outlying areas bears the pain of destitution. Being a soldier suffers the pain of battle. Sickness and death suffer the pain of separation from loved ones. Beggardom suffers the pain of desolation. Entrepreneurship suffers the pain of toil and fatigue. Aspiration keeps one immune to painstaking effort. Parents willingly endure the hardships of raising a child. Righteous and loyal ones partake in each other's pains and joys. Diligence keeps one insusceptible to hardship. Compassion relieves others from pain by giving them joy and happiness. Generosity helps those in pain of being poor and needy. Good deeds keep one free from all forms of pain.
- 阿阇世王问五逆经(阿闍世王問五逆經) Asheshi Wang Wen Wu Ni Jing
- 五逆; 1. 杀父 2. 杀母 3. 杀阿罗汉 4. 出佛身血 5. 破和合僧(五逆; 1. 殺父 2. 殺母 3. 殺阿羅漢 4. 出佛身血 5. 破和合僧) Five Great Violations: 1. Killing one's father; 2. Killing one's mother; 3. Killing an arhat; 4. Shedding the blood of a buddha; 5. Creating a schism in the monastic community
- 作下品五逆十恶(作下品五逆十惡) who commit the five deadly sins and ten evils to a minor degree
- 五逆大罪 the great sin of the five violations
- 灭除五逆罪大陀罗尼经(滅除五逆罪大陀羅尼經) Elimination of Karma from the Five Great Violations Dharani Sutra; Miechu Wu Ni Zui Da Tuoluoni Jing
- 五逆恶(五逆惡) pañca-ānantarya-karma; five heinous crimes
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- The Three Pure Land Sutras 淨土三經 Buddhism Series 2 - Canonical Texts 《佛教叢書2-經典》 — count: 3
- More than Ten Dharmas 十數佛法 Humanistic Buddhism Series 6 - Buddhist Studies and Seeking the Dharma 《人間佛教系列6-學佛與求法》 — count: 3
- Lecture 7: End-of-Life Chanting 第七講.往生助念 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 4: Assemblies and Dharma Services 《僧事百講4-集會共修》 — count: 2
- Lecture 15: Remove from Stay and Leave Without Notification 第十五講‧遷單溜單 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 1: Monastery Administration 《僧事百講1-叢林制度》 — count: 2
- Lecture 16: Nine Levels of Monastic Quality 第十六講.僧眾九品 One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 2: Becoming a Monastic and the Rules of the Precepts 《僧事百講2-出家戒法》 — count: 2
- Volume 3: Bodhisattva Cultivation and Experiential Understanding - Class 6: The Great Vow of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva 第三冊 菩薩行證 第六課 普賢菩薩的大願 Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》 — count: 2
- Humanistic Buddhism and Training in Precepts 人間佛教的戒學 Treatises on Humanistic Buddhism 《人間佛教論文集》 — count: 2
- Chan School - 6. Methods of Cultivation and Realization of Enlightenment 禪宗 陸、修持方法與開悟完成 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 2
- Pure Land School - 2. The Canonical Foundation of the Pure Land School 淨土宗 貳、淨土宗的經論依據 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- Chan School - 2. Inheritance of the Robe and Bowl: One Flower, Five Petals 禪宗 貳、衣缽傳承與一花五葉 Buddhism Series 6 - Schools 《佛教叢書6-宗派》 — count: 1
- 五逆重罪 (五逆重罪) 五逆重罪 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 5: Organizational Management 《僧事百講5-組織管理》, Lecture 5: Beween Monastics and Devotees 第五講.僧信之間 — count: 17
- 五逆十恶 (五逆十惡) 所造者為五逆十惡之罪業 — Lectures on the Diamond Sutra 《金剛經講話》, True merit melts karmic obstructions - Part 16 [Translation of Canonical Source Text and Notes] — count: 14
- 造五逆 (造五逆) 即使是造五逆十惡的眾生 — One Hundred Lessons on Monastery Language and Affairs 4: Assemblies and Dharma Services 《僧事百講4-集會共修》, Lecture 7: End-of-Life Chanting 第七講.往生助念 — count: 4
- 弃五逆 (棄五逆) 不捨棄五逆十惡眾生的救度 — Humanistic Buddhism Quotations 《人間佛教語錄》, Writings on Chan School Thought - Systems of Thought 宗門思想篇 思想體系 — count: 4
- 犯五逆 (犯五逆) 孩子非犯五逆十惡 — Hsing Yun Diary (1991/5-1992/12) 《星雲日記(1991/5~1992/12)》, Hsing Yun Diary 18 - Find Your Heart Again: Speaking about a Dream in a Dream 星雲日記18~把心找回來 夢中說夢(1992/7/1~1992/7/15) — count: 3
- 违犯五逆 (違犯五逆) 違犯五逆之罪 — Humanistic Buddhism Quotations 《人間佛教語錄》, Writings on Application in Life - Appendix: Rules and Ceremonies in Humanistic Buddhism 生活應用篇 附錄【人間佛教現代律儀】 — count: 3
- 五逆闻 (五逆聞) 五逆聞雷 — Fo Guang Buddhist Textbooks 《佛光教科書》, Volume 5: Introduction to Schools - Class 12: Chan School 第五冊 宗派概論 第十二課 禪宗 — count: 2