Buddhism Series 2 - Canonical Texts 《佛教叢書2-經典》
- Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings 八大人覺經
- The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections 四十二章經
- Sutra of Teachings Bequeathed by the Buddha 佛遺教經
- The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra 大般涅槃經
- Collection of Writings about the Six Paramitas 六度集經
- The Hundred Parables Sutra 百喻經
- The Dharmapada 法句經
- Sutra on the Wise and Foolish 賢愚經
- The Agamas 阿含經
- Scripture for Humane Kings for Protection of the Country 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經
- Prajnaparamita Diamond Sutra 金剛般若波羅蜜經
- Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra 般若波羅蜜多心經
- Lotus Sutra 妙法蓮華經
- Universal Gate Sutra 觀世音菩薩普門品
- Flower Adornment Sutra 大方廣佛華嚴經
- The Three Pure Land Sutras 淨土三經
- Sutra on Maitreya's Previous and Future Lives 彌勒上生、下生經
- Sutra of the Vows of the Medicine Buddha of Lapus Lazuli Crystal Radiance 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經
- Sutra of the Great Vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏菩薩本願經
- The Great Treasures Collection Sutra 大寶積經
- Srimala Sutra 勝鬘經
- Questions of Milinda 那先比丘經
- Yulan Bowl Sutra 盂蘭盆經
- Vimalakirti Sutra 維摩詰所說經
- Golden Light Sūtra 金光明經
- Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經
- Lankavatara Sutra 楞伽經
- Wisdom of the Buddha Sutra 解深密經
- The Brahma Net Sutra 梵網經
- Eight Kinds of Consciousness Practices Chant 八識規矩頌
- Mahayana Hundred Dharmas Introduction Treatise 大乘百法明門論
- Discourse on the Repository of Abhidharma Discussions 俱舍論
- Twenty Stanzas Proving Representation Only 唯識二十論
- Twenty Stanzas Proving Representation Only Verses 唯識三十論頌
- Discourse on the Stages of Yogic Practice 瑜伽師地論
- Mahāyānasaṅgraha 攝大乘論
- Treatise on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana 大乘起信論
- Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom 大智度論
- Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way 中論
- Huayan’s Five Classifications of the Teachings 華嚴五教章
- Outline of the Tiantai Fourfold Teachings 天台四教儀
- Jiao Guan Gang Zong 教觀綱宗
- The Great Calming and Contemplation 摩訶止觀
- The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 六祖大師法寶壇經
- All of Patriarch's Collection 祖堂集
- The Records of the Transmission of the Lamp 景德傳燈錄
- Dictionary of Zen Practices 禪林象器箋
- Treasured Instructions of Chan Temples 禪林寶訓
- A Grove of Pearls in the Garden of the Dharma 法苑珠林
- Different Aspects of the Sutras and Vinaya 經律異相
- Compendium of the Great Purport of the Mahāyāna 大乘大義章
- The Common End of Myriad Good Practices 萬善同歸集
- The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions 大唐西域記
- A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms 佛國記
- A Record of the Buddhist Religion: As Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago 南海寄歸內法傳
- Record of the Buddhist Monasteries of Luoyang 洛陽伽藍記
- Biographies of Eminent Monks 高僧傳
- Biographies of Buddhist Nuns 比丘尼傳
- Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism 弘明集
- Expanded Collection on the Propagation and Clarification of Buddhism 廣弘明集