Buddhism Series 4 - Disciples 《佛教叢書4-弟子》
- 1. China - Mudrā Bodhisattva 壹、中國 ■印手菩薩道安大師
- 1. China - Pure Land School Patriarch Lushan Huiyuan 壹、中國 ■淨土宗祖廬山慧遠
- 1. China - Divine Sutra Translator Kumarajiva 壹、中國 ■譯經聖手鳩摩羅什
- 1. China - China's First Bhiksuni Venerable Jingjian 壹、中國 ■中國首位比丘尼淨檢法師
- 1. China - First in Understanding Emptiness Venerable Master Seng Zhao 壹、中國 ■解空第一僧肇大師
- 1. China - Interpenetration of Emptiness and Self Venerable Master Daosheng 壹、中國 ■空有相融道生大師
- 1. China - Rejuvenating the Northern Wei Buddhism Venerable Master Tan Yao 壹、中國 ■復興北魏佛教的曇曜法師
- 1. China - Buddhist Artist and Writer Vinaya Teacher Seng You 壹、中國 ■佛教藝文家僧祐律師
- 1. China - Bodhisattva Emperor Wu of Liang 壹、中國 ■皇帝菩薩梁武帝
- 1. China - First Patriarch of the Tiantai School Venerable Master Zhi Yi 壹、中國 ■天台宗初祖智顗大師
- 1. China - Three Stages Teaching Venerable Xinxing 壹、中國 ■三階教主信行法師
- 1. China - Reviving Three Treatise School Venerable Master Ji Zang 壹、中國 ■復興三論宗吉藏大師
- 1. China - The Patriarch of the Eastern Vinaya, Vinaya Teacher Daoxuan 壹、中國 ■東土律祖道宣律師
- 1. China - Studying Abroad with the Community of Noble Ones, Venerable Master Xuanzang 壹、中國 ■留學聖僧玄奘大師
- 1. China - Illustrious Abbot Venerable Master Shan Dao 壹、中國 ■光明和尚善導大師
- 1. China - Hundred Sects Pundit, Compassionate and Graceful Kui Ji 壹、中國 ■百部論師慈恩窺基
- 1. China - Caoqi Sixth Patriarch and Venerable Master Huineng 壹、中國 ■曹溪六祖惠能大師
- 1. China - Venerable Master Fazang who Developing the Flower Garland Sutra Classification of Teachings 壹、中國 ■開拓華嚴判教法藏大師
- 1. China - Astronomer Chan Master Yixing 壹、中國 ■天文科學家一行禪師
- 1. China - Japan Vinaya School Patriarch Venerable Master Jianzhen 壹、中國 ■日本律宗始祖鑑真大師
- 1. China - Establisher of Monastic Rules, Chan Master Baizhang Huaihai 壹、中國 ■創立清規的百丈懷海禪師
- 1. China - State Preceptor Cheng Guan, who Expounded and Propagated the Flower Garland Sutra 壹、中國 ■闡揚華嚴澄觀國師
- 1. China - Eminent Figure from Hedong, Chancellor Pei Xiu 壹、中國 ■河東大士裴休宰相
- 1. China - Chan Master Zong Mi, who Mastered the Three Doctrines 壹、中國 ■會通三教宗密禪師
- 1. China - Chan Master Yongming Yanshou, who Combined Practices of Chan and Pureland 壹、中國 ■禪淨雙修永明延壽禪師
- 1. China - Bhiksuni Fazhen, who Carved Sutras with Broken Arms 壹、中國 ■斷臂刻藏法珍比丘尼
- 1. China - Yunqi Bodhisatta Master Lianchi 壹、中國 ■雲棲菩薩蓮池大師
- 1. China - Three Doctrines, One Family Master Zibo 壹、中國 ■三教一家紫柏大師
- 1. China - Master Hanshan who Revived Caoqi 壹、中國 ■重振曹溪憨山大師
- 1. China - Ninth Patriarch of the Lotus Sect Venerable Master Zhi Xu 壹、中國 ■蓮宗九祖智旭大師
- 1. China - Yang Renshan, who Revive Buddhism in Modern Times 壹、中國 ■中興近代佛教的楊仁山
- 1. China - Abbot Venerable Xu Yun, Successor of the Five Schools 壹、中國 ■五宗並嗣虛雲和尚
- 1. China - Founder of Avatamsaka University, Venerable Yuexia 壹、中國 ■創辦華嚴大學的月霞法師
- 1. China - Venerable Master Yingguang, who brought the Pure Land to People Again 壹、中國 ■淨土再來人印光大師
- 1. China - Tan Sitong Lit the Dharma lamp in the late Qing 壹、中國 ■點燃晚清法燈的譚嗣同
- 1. China - National Studies Venerable Master Zhang Taiyan 壹、中國 ■國學大師章太炎
- 1. China - Ouyang Jingwu, who Investigated the Nature of Characteristics of Interdependence 壹、中國 ■性相圓融歐陽竟無
- 1. China - Liang Qichao, a Thinker in Buddhist Studies 壹、中國 ■佛學思想家梁啟超
- 1. China - Tiantai Educator Venerable Tanxu 壹、中國 ■天台教育家倓虛法師
- 1. China - Vinaya Teacher Cizhou, Maintainer of Monastic Discipline and Propagated the Teachings 壹、中國 ■持律弘教的慈舟律師
- 1. China - Venerable Master Hong Yi, who Revived the Vinaya School 壹、中國 ■中興律宗的弘一大師
- 1. China - Lü Bicheng, who Publicised Precepts against Killing and Protection of Life 壹、中國 ■宣揚戒殺護生的呂碧城
- 1. China - Early Republic Period Buddhism Leader Venerable Master Taixu 壹、中國 ■民初佛教領袖太虛大師
- 1. China - Li Bingnan, who Promoted the Pure Land 壹、中國 ■弘揚淨土的李炳南
- 1. China - Dai Jitao, who Protected the Nation and Education 壹、中國 ■護國衛教戴季陶
- 1. China - Scholar of Buddhist History Tang Yongtong 壹、中國 ■佛教史學者湯用彤
- 1. China - Venerable Chisong, who Transmitted Japanese Esoteric Buddhism 壹、中國 ■弘傳東密的持松法師
- 1. China - Venerable Ci Hang, who Established Buddhism in Taiwan 壹、中國 ■開創台灣佛教的慈航法師
- 1. China - Modern Buddhist Studies Authority Lu Cheng 壹、中國 ■近代佛學巨擘呂澂
- 1. China - Feng Zikai, Painter of Bodhisattvas 壹、中國 ■菩薩畫家豐子愷
- 1. China - Venerable Daxing who Promoted Monastic Education 壹、中國 ■推動僧伽教育的大醒法師
- 1. China - Han Transmission to Tibet Scholar Venerable Fazun 壹、中國 ■漢傳藏學家法尊法師
- 1. China - Venerable Fafang, who Lectured on East Asia 壹、中國 ■講學東亞的法舫法師
- 1. China - Eminent Modern Buddhist Scholar Master Yin Shun 壹、中國 ■現代佛學泰斗印順導師
- 1. China - Venerable Binzong , known for Taiwanese Poetry 壹、中國 ■台灣詩僧斌宗法師
- 1. China - Sun-Zhang Qingyang, Lifetime Female Lay Buddhist 壹、中國 ■一代優婆夷孫張清揚女士
- 2. India - Elder Sariputra: Foremost in Wisdom 貳、印度 ■智慧第一舍利弗尊者
- 2. India - Elder Mahakasyapa: Foremost in Austerities 貳、印度 ■頭陀第一大迦葉尊者
- 2. India - Elder Ananda: Foremost in Learning 貳、印度 ■多聞第一阿難尊者
- 2. India - Elder Sudatta: Foremost in Generosity 貳、印度 ■檀那第一須達長者
- 2. India - First Bhiksuni Maha-prajapti 貳、印度 ■第一比丘尼大愛道
- 2. India - Srimala, who skillfully expounded the One Vehicle Dharma 貳、印度 ■善說一乘法的勝鬘夫人
- 2. India - Vimalakirti: Mahayana Lay Bodhisattva 貳、印度 ■大乘居士菩薩維摩詰
- 2. India - King Asoka: Wheel Turning King 貳、印度 ■轉輪聖王阿育王
- 2. India - Emperor Kanishka, who Protected the Dharma 貳、印度 ■護法帝王迦膩色迦王
- 2. India - Asvaghosa: Writer, Artist, and Poet 貳、印度 ■文藝詩人馬鳴菩薩
- 2. India - Nagarjuna Bodhisattva, who was Respected by all the Eight Sects 貳、印度 ■八宗共祖龍樹菩薩
- 2. India - Aryadeva, whose Wisdom and Bravery Protected All 貳、印度 ■智勇雙全提婆菩薩
- 2. India - Asanga and Vasubandhu, who Established the Dharmalaksana School 貳、印度 ■開創法相宗的無著與世親
- 3. Tibet - Princess Wencheng, who Expanded and Propagated Canonical Teachings 參、西藏 ■弘傳藏教第一人文成公主
- 3. Tibet - Eminent Figure Guru Rinpoche, who Founded Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism 參、西藏 ■西藏密教始祖蓮華生大士
- 3. Tibet - Elder Milarepa, who was able to Endure Difficulties 參、西藏 ■難忍能忍的密勒日巴尊者
- 3. Tibet - Drogön Chögyal Phagpa, Mahāratna Dharma Prince of the Tibetan Esoteric Tradition 參、西藏 ■藏密奠基者大寶法王八思巴
- 3. Tibet - Canonical Teachings Reformer Venerable Master Tsongkhapa 參、西藏 ■藏教改革者宗喀巴大師
- 3. Tibet - The 4th emanation Amitābha Buddha Panchen 參、西藏 ■彌陀化身四世班禪
- 3. Tibet - Reincarnation of the Dharma King, the 14th Dalai Lama 參、西藏 ■轉世法王達賴十四世
- 4. Japan - The Father of Japanese Buddhism Prince Shotoku 肆、日本 ■日本佛教之父聖德太子
- 4. Japan - Venerable Master Kukai, Founder of the Dharani Tradition 肆、日本 ■開創真言的空海大師
- 4. Japan - Elder Saichō, who Transmitted the Lamp 肆、日本 ■傳燈大法師最澄上人
- 4. Japan - Elder Hōnen, Initial Founder of the Japanese Pure Land Tradition 肆、日本 ■日本淨土元祖法然上人
- 4. Japan - Japanese Linji School Patriarch Zen Master Eisai 肆、日本 ■日本臨濟宗開祖榮西禪師
- 4. Japan - The True Founder of the Pure Land School Elder Shinran 肆、日本 ■淨土真宗開祖親鸞上人
- 4. Japan - Japanese Caodong School Founder Venerable Dōgen Zenji 肆、日本 ■日本曹洞初祖道元禪師
- 4. Japan - Lotus Sutra practitioner Elder Nichiren 肆、日本 ■法華經行者日蓮上人
- 4. Japan - Japanese Obaku School Founder Zen Master Ingen 肆、日本 ■日本黃檗宗開祖隱元禪師
- 4. Japan - Indian Philosophy Founding Scholar Takakusu Junjiro 肆、日本 ■印度哲學開拓者高楠順次郎
- 4. Japan - World Renowned Zen Scholar Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki 肆、日本 ■世界禪學家鈴木大拙
- 5. Korea - Jajang, from Haidong who Combined Confucian and Buddhist Traditions 伍、韓國 ■海東孔子僧統慈藏律師
- 5. Korea - Venerable Master Ximing and Venerable Yuan Ce 伍、韓國 ■西明大師圓測法師
- 5. Korea - Venerable Master Wonhyo, who Propogated Buddhism to the Common People 伍、韓國 ■普濟庶民元曉大師
- 5. Korea - Haidong Avatamsaka Founder Venerable Master Hwa-om 伍、韓國 ■海東華嚴初祖義湘大師
- 5. Korea - Avatamsaka Scholar Venerable Master Kyunyeo 伍、韓國 ■華嚴學者均如大師
- 5. Korea - State Preceptor Uicheon, who Integrated Chan Teachings 伍、韓國 ■融會禪教義天國師
- 5. Korea - State Preceptor Pojo, who led the Resurgence of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 伍、韓國 ■韓國曹溪宗中興之祖普照國師
- 6. Thailand - Humanistic Bhiksu, Venerable Master ??? 陸、泰國 ■人間比丘占達沙羅法師
- 7. Sri Lanka - ???, who led a Resurgence of Sri Lankan Buddhism 柒、錫蘭 ■中興錫蘭佛教的達摩波羅
- 7. Sri Lanka - Sudharmmacari: Wise and Brave Nun who Protected All 柒、錫蘭 ■智勇雙全的蘇達摩加利尼師
- 8. Europe and Americas - English Buddhist Treasure Rhys Davids 捌、歐美 ■英國佛教瑰寶賴斯‧戴維茲
- 8. Europe and Americas - Russian Buddhist Scholar Theodor Stcherbatsky 捌、歐美 ■俄國佛學家徹爾巴斯基
- 8. Europe and Americas - First German Monastic, Elder San Jie Zhi 捌、歐美 ■德國首位比丘三界智長老