Buddhism Series 3 - The Buddha 《佛教叢書3-佛陀》
- Introduction 緒言
- The Great Buddha 偉大的佛陀
- The Origin of Laba Congee (Giving) 臘八粥的由來(布施)
- The First Monasteries (Giving) 寺院之始(布施)
- Covering the Ground with Gold to Build Jeta Grove (Giving) 黃金舖地建祇園(布施)
- The Gift of a Vihara (Giving) 贈送精舍制(布施)
- An Offering of Sandalwood to the Buddha (Giving) 檀香供佛(布施)
- Using Wealth to Give Twice (Giving) 財法二施(布施)
- A Grain of Rice is Greater than Sumeru (Giving) 粒米勝須彌(布施)
- Making an Offering of Cotton Thread (Giving) 棉線供養(布施)
- Making an Offering of Clothes (Giving) 衣服供養(布施)
- Making an Offering of a Canopy (Giving) 傘蓋供養(布施)
- A Married Woman's Inherited Conditions (Giving) 婦人的夙因(布施)
- The Four Heavenly Kings Offer Alms (Giving) 四天王獻缽(布施)
- Treating a Hunchback (Giving) 醫駝背(布施)
- The Sign of a Broad and Long Tongue (Giving) 廣長舌相(布施)
- A Parrot Welcomes the Buddha (Giving) 鸚鵡迎佛(布施)
- A Poor Woman and a Lantern (Giving) 貧女一燈(布施)
- Betraying Virtue (Giving) 賣功德(布施)
- A Married Couple Vows to Acheive Supreme Enlightenment 夫婦的發心(布施)
- A Model King (Giving) 模範王(布施)
- Generosity and Greed (Giving) 布施與慳貪(布施)
- A Dharani First (Giving) 總持第一(布施)
- Giving More the Merit is Greater (Giving) 施多福大(布施)
- Giving the Dharma as a Present (Giving) 餽贈以法(布施)
- Offering Flowers to the Buddha (Giving) 採花獻佛(布施)
- Not Receiving Offerings Because of Teaching the Dharma (Giving) 不因說法而受供(布施)
- Poor People Making Efferings to the Buddha (Giving) 貧人供佛(布施)
- The Origin of 84,000 Stupas (Giving) 八萬四千塔由來(布施)
- Ability to Practice Ascetism (Giving, Diligence) 難行能行(布施、精進)
- True Wealth (Gving, Prajna) 真正的富有(布施、般若)
- The Spirit of an Ocean of Perfect Wisdom (Gving, Prajna) 智度海神(布施、般若)
- A Merchant Listens to the Teachings of the Buddha (Gving, Faith) 商人聞法(布施、信仰)
- The Greedy Descend into the Animal Realm (Giving, Cause and Effect) 慳貪墮畜生(布施、因果)
- The Greedy Descend into the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (Giving, Cause and Effect) 慳貪墮餓鬼(布施、因果)
- Being Stingy and not Give in Charity (Giving, Cause and Effect) 慳吝不捨(布施、因果)
- Sowing the Seeds of Generosity (Giving, Cause and Effect) 布施如播種(布施、因果)
- Ripening of Actions of Former Lives (Giving, Cause and Effect) 宿世業報(布施、因果)
- A Princess' Enlightenment (Giving, Cause and Effect) 王女的覺悟(布施、因果)
- Four Verses Awaken to the Path (Giving, Repentance) 四句悟道(布施、懺悔)
- A Baby Girl Join Palms (Giving, Making Vows) 合掌的女嬰(布施、發願)
- Generosity and Vows lead to Good Reputation and Benefits (Giving, Repentance) 施戒得名利(布施、懺悔)
- Vowing to not Eat Meat (Giving, Precepts) 禁戒食肉(布施、持戒)
- Rules about skillful Means (Precepts) 方便制戒(持戒)
- Tell Lies is an Immoral Tool (Precepts) 妄語如穢器(持戒)
- The Merit of Becoming a Monastic is Great (Precepts) 出家功德大(持戒)
- Upholding of the Precepts should be Steady (Precepts) 持戒求安穩(持戒)
- The Merit of Upholding of the Precepts (Precepts) 持戒的功德(持戒)
- Protect the Six Sense Organs like a Tutle 藏六如龜(持戒)
- The Verbal Karma of More and More (Precepts) 彌多的口業(持戒)
- A Hunter Changes Profession (Precepts) 獵人改業(持戒)
- Great or no Virtue (Precepts) 大賢不賢(持戒)
- The Harm of Malicious Talk (Precepts) 惡語之害(持戒)
- Upholding the Three Precepts (Precepts) 受持三戒(持戒)
- The Lack of Wisdom in Consuming Alchoholic Beverages (Precepts) 飲酒失智(持戒)
- The Harm in Consuming Alchoholic Beverages (Precepts) 飲酒之害(持戒)
- Ordinary Water and Dharma Water (Precepts) 凡水與法水(持戒)
- A Compassionate Mind does not Kill (Precepts) 慈心不殺(持戒)
- The True Meaning of Tolerance (Tolerance) 忍辱的真義(忍辱)
- The Virtue of Tolerance (Tolerance) 忍辱的美德(忍辱)
- Tolerance Transforms a Ghost King (Tolerance) 忍辱度化鬼王(忍辱)
- Modesty and Tolerance lead to Longevity (Tolerance) 謙忍得長壽(忍辱)
- Tolerance can lead to Success (Tolerance) 忍能致勝(忍辱)
- Killing and Anger (Tolerance) 殺瞋(忍辱)
- Polluting Oneself with Dirt and Spit (Tolerance) 塵唾自污(忍辱)
- Truth will Prevail over Evil (Tolerance) 真理戰勝邪惡(忍辱)
- Do not use Hatred to Seek Revenge for Hatred (Tolerance) 不以瞋報瞋(忍辱)
- Human Form is Difficult to Obtain (Diligence) 人身難得(精進)
- Young, Vigorous, and Striving Hard (Diligence) 少壯當努力(精進)
- The Life of an Ox and the Life of a Person (Diligence) 牛命與人命(精進)
- Hearing the Dharma and Ascending to Heaven (Diligence) 聞法升天(精進)
- The Importance of Diligence (Diligence) 精進的重要(精進)
- The Origin of Prayer Beads (Diligence) 念珠的由來(精進)
- The Wealth of Diligence (Diligence) 精勤得財富(精進)
- Four Kinds of Horse (Diligence) 四種馬(精進)
- Four Kinds of Son (Diligence) 四個兒子(精進)
- Seizing the the Here and Now (Diligence) 把握當下(精進)
- Succeeding in Battle with Oneself (Diligence) 戰勝自己(精進)
- Methods for Meditation (Meditative Concentration) 禪坐的方法(禪定)
- Resolving the Danger of Entering into Meditation (Meditative Concentration) 入定解危(禪定)
- Shaving Your Hair for the Buddha (Meditative Concentration) 為佛陀剃髮(禪定)
- The Power of Patience is like a Root (Meditative Concentration, Tolerance) 忍力如根(禪定、忍辱)
- Berating and Meaningless Talk (Prajna) 呵斥戲論(般若)
- Four Kinds of Friends (Prajna) 友有四品(般若)
- A Foolish Person Drinks Water (Prajna) 愚人喝水(般若)
- The Buddha's Wisdom (Prajna) 佛陀的智慧(般若)
- A Foolish Person follows a Foolish Path (Prajna) 愚人愚行(般若)
- Conquest only Increases Resentment (Prajna) 勝則增怨(般若)
- Nirvana is like Extinguishing a Fire (Prajna) 涅槃如熄火(般若)
- Brahma asks about the Path (Prajna) 梵天問道(般若)
- Riding the Horse of the Three Aspects of the Dharma (Prajna) 御馬三法(般若)
- The Upright and the Evil (Prajna) 正與邪(般若)
- Finding the Mind (Prajna) 找心(般若)
- The Most Bitter and the Most Joyful (Prajna) 最苦與最樂(般若)
- Incense Burns to make Charcoal (Prajna) 燒香作炭(般若)
- Spiritual Power and Spiritual Practice (Prajna) 神通和修行(般若)
- Do not Suffer from a Second Arrow (Prajna) 不受第二支箭(般若)
- The King of Suvarṇabhūmi Attains Salvation (Prajna) 金地王得度(般若)
- Planning Ahead (Prajna) 未雨綢繆(般若)
- A Blind Person gets Rid of a Mosquito (Prajna) 盲人除蚊(般若)
- Storing Milk (Prajna) 儲藏牛乳(般若)
- An Interesting Discussion about Building Construction (Prajna) 建樓趣譚(般若)
- Blind People Touch an Elephant (Prajna) 盲人摸象(般若)
- A True Magician (Prajna) 真正的魔術師(般若)
- Letting go (Prajna) 放下(般若)
- Like a Blind Person Guarding a Candle (Prajna) 如盲執燭(般若)
- All Queries Resolved and Knots Disentangled (Prajna) 心開意解(般若)
- Taming an Elephant with the Three Aspects of the Dharma (Prajna) 馴象三法(般若)
- The Profound and Subtle Law of Dependent Origination (Prajna) 甚深微妙緣起法(般若)
- Talking with a Sage (Prajna) 與智者交(般若)
- The Battle to Resolve Conflict (Prajna) 化解爭水之戰(般若)
- Words of a Chant (Prajna) 偈語(般若)
- Four Kinds of Dharma Joy (Prajna) 四種法樂(般若)
- Enlighten of an Elder (Prajna) 長者的教化(般若)
- A Goddess and a Macaque (Prajna) 天女與獼猴(般若)
- True Beauty (Prajna) 真正的美人(般若)
- Not Knowing when a Disaster will Strike (Prajna) 不知時的禍害(般若)
- A Thorny Question (Prajna) 蒺藜問難(般若)
- Truly Untouchable (Prajna) 真正的賤民(般若)
- Aryadeva Descends (Prajna, Economics) 提婆墮落(般若、經濟)
- The First Disciple (Teaching) 最初的信士(教化)
- The Three Kāsyapa Brothers Abandon Evil and Return to the Right Path (Teaching) 三迦葉棄邪歸正(教化)
- King Prasenajit Takes Refuge (Teaching) 波斯匿王的皈依(教化)
- Mahakasyapa Takes Refuge (Teaching) 大迦葉的皈依(教化)
- Mahāroṣaṇa Attains Enlightenment (Teaching) 摩訶盧得道(教化)
- The Return of a Prodigal Son (Teaching) 浪子回頭(教化)
- Observe Opportunities to Propagate Teachings (Teaching) 觀機逗教(教化)
- Transforming Five Hundred Brahmins (Teaching) 度化五百婆羅門(教化)
- Transforming a Female Servant (Teaching) 度化女僕(教化)
- A Prostitute Attains Salvation (Teaching) 妓女得度(教化)
- Kinds of Merit from Benevolent Transformation (Teaching) 慈度種德(教化)
- Disguise as a Ghost to Frighten the Buddha (Teaching) 扮鬼嚇佛(教化)
- Like Adding an Aroma (Teaching) 如附香熏(教化)
- Teaching Children (Teaching) 教化兒童(教化)
- Using Supernatural Powers to Cross a River (Teaching) 神通渡河(教化)
- A Greedy Heart (Teaching) 貪心(教化)
- Magic Transformation and Other Religions (Teaching) 神通化外道(教化)
- Transforming Thiefs (Teaching) 度化盜賊(教化)
- Transforming Beggars (Teaching) 度化乞丐(教化)
- Transforming Angulimalya (Teaching) 度化鴦崛摩羅(教化)
- Transforming Hariti (Teaching) 度化鬼子母(教化)
- The Buddha Tranforms Sujata (Teaching) 佛度玉耶(教化)
- Subduing Arrogance (Teaching) 降伏傲慢(教化)
- Selfish Desires Meet with Bitter Retribution (Teaching) 私欲遭苦報(因果)
- Means to Longevity (Teaching) 長壽的方法(因果)
- Rising and Falling (Cause and Effect)) 上升下墮(因果)
- Four Kinds of People (Cause and Effect) 四種人(因果)
- Cause and Effect, Karmic Retribution (Cause and Effect) 因果業報(因果)
- The Impermanence of Life (Cause and Effect) 人生無常(因果)
- The Harm of Double-Tongued Speech (Cause and Effect) 兩舌之害(因果)
- Make Offerings for Seven Days (Cause and Effect) 七天供養(因果)
- A Resonant Sound (Cause and Effect) 宏亮的聲音(因果)
- Persecution by Other Religions (Cause and Effect) 外道迫害(因果)
- A Brahmin Demands Repayment of a Debt (Cause and Effect) 婆羅門索債(因果)
- Causes and Conditions for a Fruit Tree (Cause and Effect) 柰樹因緣(因果)
- Only by Sowing Seeds can there be a Harvest (Cause and Effect) 有播種才有收成(因果)
- Diverging from the Main Path and so Losing a Goat (Cause and Effect, Prajna) 歧路亡羊(因果、般若)
- Performing Wholesome Actions Accumulates Merit (Cause and Effect, Karma) 行善積福(因果、業力)
- The Buddha Divides a Seat in Half (Cultivation) 佛陀分半座(修持)
- Giving Up Habits (Cultivation) 革除習氣(修持)
- Stability, Happiness, and the Four Aspects of the Dharma (Cultivation) 安樂四法(修持)
- The Harm of Gain (Cultivation) 利養之害(修持)
- Do not Cure (Cultivation) 不可救藥(修持)
- Habits are like Seeds (Cultivation) 習氣如種子(修持)
- The Six Contemplations (Cultivation) 六念處(修持)
- Emotion between Master and Disciple (Cultivation) 師徒之情(修持)
- Four Kinds of Refined Action (Cultivation) 四種雅行(修持)
- Four Kinds of Disciple (Cultivation) 四種弟子(修持)
- Excessive Wrong (Cultivation) 過度之弊(修持)
- The Five Contemplations (Cultivation) 五停心觀(修持)
- Five Kinds of Non-Human (Cultivation) 五種非人(修持)
- Spiritual Practice is like Playing a String Instrument (Cultivation) 修行如彈琴(修持)
- Sweep Ground in the Mind (Cultivation) 掃心地(修持)
- Cultivation of a Compassionate Mind (Cultivation) 修習慈心(修持)
- Affliction is like the Reflection of a Tree (Cultivation) 煩惱如樹影(修持)
- Simile of the Seven Chariots (Cultivation) 七車喻(修持)
- Fragrant and Foul Smells (Cultivation) 香和臭(修持)
- Treating the Sick is a Field of Merit (Cultivation) 看病第一福田(修持)
- The Buddha Visits a Sick Person (Cultivation) 佛陀探病(修持)
- Is that a Person or note? (Cultivation) 是不是人(修持)
- Attachment is like Loaning Money (Cultivation) 貪欲如舉債(修持)
- Talking is not as Good as Action (Cultivation) 說不如行(修持)
- The Gate of Ambrosial Dharma (Cultivation) 甘露法門(修持)
- Berate Supernatural Powers (Cultivation) 呵斥神通(修持)
- What Path? (Cultivation) 什麼是道(修持)
- Giving Medicine to a Mad Elephant (Cultivation) 攝服狂象(修持)
- Studying Honor and Practicing it (Cultivation) 學貴於行(修持)
- Another Kind of Reward (Cultivation) 再種福德(修持)
- The Simile of the Drum (Cultivation) 鼓喻(修持)
- Merit and Virtuous Actions (Cultivation) 功德福業(修持)
- Sweeping the Floor and the Five Virtues (Cultivation) 掃地五德(修持)
- What is the most Joyful Thing? (Cultivation) 何事最快樂(修持)
- Dignity with the Dharma (Cultivation) 以法莊嚴(修持)
- Sigala Returns and Pledges Allegiance to the Buddha (Cultivation) 善生歸化佛陀(修持)
- A Good Horse has Eight Virtues (Cultivation) 良馬八德(修持)
- A Bad Horse has Eight Manners (Cultivation) 惡馬八態(修持)
- Observing Four Kinds of Food (Cultivation) 觀四食(修持)
- Evil Intentions are like Bitter Seeds (Cultivation) 惡念如苦種(修持)
- Good, Evil, and the Basis of Strength (Cultivation) 善惡根性(修持)
- Taking Care of Your Body and Mind (Cultivation) 養身與養心(修持)
- The Goals of Cultivation (Cultivation) 修行的目的(修持)
- Five Methods for Cultivation (Cultivation) 修行五法(修持)
- The Path of Smooth and Steady Cultivation (Cultivation) 安穩修行之道(修持)
- Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings (Cultivation) 八大人覺(修持)
- A Smelly Girl with a Purified Mind (Cultivation) 臭女淨心(修持)
- Studying the Path (Cultivation) 學道(修持)
- Seven Teachings of Pure Dharmas (Cultivation) 七知善法(修持)
- Bhadrika Understands (Cultivation) 跋提解道(修持)
- Five Kinds of Joyful Place (Cultivation) 五種歡喜處(修持)
- Compassionate Support for the Elderly and becoming a Monastic (Cultivation, Diligence) 慈攝老人出家(修持、精進)
- People who Love themselves (Karma) 誰是愛自己的人(業力)
- It is not Yours (Karma) 不是你的(業力)
- The Buddha is Helpless (Karma) 佛陀的無奈(業力)
- Supernatural Powers cannot Resist Karma (Karma) 神通難抵業力(業力)
- When the Mind is Pure, the Land is Pure (Karma) 心淨國土淨(業力)
- You will Receive Your Own Karma (Karma, Giving) 自業自受(業力、布施)
- Turn Away from Evil and Face Good (Karma) 去惡向善(懺悔)
- The Mistake of not Repenting (Repentance) 不受懺悔之過(懺悔)
- Resolving Disputes (Repentance) 化解紛爭(懺悔)
- Repenting can Lead to Divine Sight (Repentance) 懺悔得天眼(懺悔)
- Vajra-Devi's Repentance (Repentance) 金剛女的懺悔(懺悔)
- Ajatasutru's Repentance (Repentance) 阿闍世的懺悔(懺悔)
- Using Appearance to Attract People (Repentance) 以貌取人(懺悔)
- The Buddha's Brightness (Repentance) 佛陀的光明(懺悔)
- The Attainment of a Dalit Woman (Repentance) 摩登伽女證果(懺悔)
- Transforming a Shameful Son (Repentance, Cause and Effect) 度化醜兒(懺悔、因果)
- Life is Priceless (Politics) 生命無價(政治)
- Urging the King to Uphold the Dharma (Politics) 囑王護法(政治)
- A Battle for the Truth (Politics) 為真理而戰(政治)
- Ruling a Country with the Seven Dharmas (Politics) 治國七法(政治)
- A Great Fortification to Protect the Dharma (Politics, Cause and Effect) 護法長城(政治、因果)
- The Speed of Impermanence (Impermanence) 無常迅速(無常)
- Auspicious Medicine (Impermanence) 吉祥草(無常)
- The Great Flood of Life and Death (Impermanence) 生死如大雨(無常)
- The Four Necessities are Most Feared (Impermanence) 四事最可怖(無常)
- The Flavor Pouring from the Ladle (Impermanence) 瓢勺斟味(無常)
- Five Difficulties in Life (Impermanence) 人生五難(無常)
- The Four Necessities are not Permanent (Impermanence) 四事不久常(無常)
- Transforming Narendrayasas (Impermanence) 度化耶舍(無常)
- The Body is Inherent Suffering (Impermanence) 身是苦本(無常)
- Human Life is Fleeting (Impermanence) 人命短促(無常)
- Human Life is Between Opportunities (Impermanence) 人命在幾間(無常、精進)
- The Buddha Crosses Over Lotus Flowers (Impermanence, Diligence) 佛度蓮花(無常、精進)
- Five Houses have Everything (Economics) 五家共有(經濟)
- Gold is Venomous Snake (Economics) 黃金是毒蛇(經濟)
- Ways of using Wealth (Economics) 財富運用法(經濟、般若)
- The Great Turnings of the Dharma Wheel (Promoting the Dharma) 大轉法輪(弘法)
- Knowing Kindness is Paying a Debt of Gratitude (Repaying Kindness) 知恩報恩(報恩)
- Compassion Resolved Blame (Compassion) 慈心解怨(慈悲)
- One Moment of Compassion (Compassion) 一念慈心(慈悲)
- Do not Give Up on Living Beings (Compassion) 不捨眾生(慈悲)
- The Suffering of Anxiety (Compassion) 心病之苦(慈悲)
- Helping the Poor and Aiding the Disabled (Compassion) 恤貧濟殘(慈悲)
- A Gold Body Struck by Disaster (Compassion) 金身受災(慈悲)
- Rescuing Rahula (Compassion) 救護羅睺羅(慈悲)
- Kind Transformation of a Scavenger (Compassion) 慈度尼提(慈悲)
- The Dharma to Manifests in the World and the Buddha is Seen (Compassion) 見法則見佛(慈悲)
- Treasuring Children (Compassion) 愛護兒童(慈悲)
- A Drunkard is Ordained as a Monastic (Compassion) 為醉漢剃度(慈悲)
- The Buddha Sheds Tears (Emotion) 佛陀的眼淚(感情)
- Sitting in Meditation in the Middle of the Road to Save the Homeland (Emotion) 端坐路中救祖國(感情)
- The Buddha's Sadness and Happiness (Emotion) 佛陀的憂喜(感情)
- Having Your Feet Firmly Planted on the Ground (The Poison of Ignorance) 腳踏實地(愚痴)
- A Cross Pursues Smelly Meat (The Poison of Ignorance) 烏鴉逐臭肉(愚痴)
- The Mistake of being an Easy Teacher (The Poison of Ignorance) 易師之過(愚痴)
- Equality and Selflessness (Equality) 平等無私(平等)
- Hate and Affection are Equal (Equality) 怨親平等(平等)
- Viewing all Sentient Beings Equally (Equality) 等視眾生(平等)
- All Sentient Beings are Equal (Equality) 眾生平等(平等)
- Equality for those Begging Food (Equality) 平等乞食(平等)
- Four Families are Equal (Equality) 四姓平等(平等)
- Filial Obedience to the Three Equals (Filial Piety) 三等孝順(孝道)
- Ullambana (Filial Piety) 盂蘭盆會(孝道)
- Bearing a Coffin for a Father (Filial Piety) 為父擔棺(孝道)
- Bearing a Coffin for an Aunt (Filial Piety) 為姨母抬棺(孝道)
- Paying Respect to an Elder Monastic (Ethics) 禮敬長老(倫理)
- The Elderly are a Treasure (Ethics) 老人是寶(倫理)
- Where You Come from does not Change (Blessings) 來處不易(惜福)
- Transforming an Elder (Resolve) 度化長者(發心)
- Selecting an Attendant (Resolve) 選擇侍者(發願)
- The Six Virtues of the Tathagata (Faith, Politics) 如來六德(信仰、政治)
- A Beautiful Woman Announces Conversion through the Buddha's Teachings (Faith) 美女宣佛化(信仰)
- Remembering the Triple Gem Gives Rise to a Happy State (Faith) 憶念三寶生善處(信仰)
- Like a Calf not yet Weaned (Faith) 如犢不離乳(信仰)
- Faith and Wealth (Faith) 信仰的財富(信仰)
- Do not be Poisoned (Faith) 不受毒害(信仰)
- Pure Faith is like the Moonlight (Faith) 淨信如月明(信仰)
- The Power of Confidence (Faith) 信心的力量(信仰)
- The Sound of Testing the Buddha can be Heard in the Distance (Faith) 試佛音遠近(信仰)
- The Buddha Crosses a Jeweled Bridge (Faith) 寶橋渡佛陀(信仰)
- A Statue of King Asoka (Faith) 優填王造像(信仰)
- the Beginning of Cast Metal Statues (Faith) 鑄像之始(信仰)
- Respecting the Dharma is like Respecting the Buddha (Faith) 敬法如敬佛(信仰)
- Eulogizing the Truth (Faith) 歌頌真理(信仰)
- Light from the Buddha's Hair (Faith) 佛陀的毫光(信仰)
- Life's Great Bliss (Faith) 人生的大樂(信仰)
- Eternal Life (Faith) 永恒的生命(信仰)
- Let Go, and Be At Perfect Ease (Faith) 放下自在(信仰)
- The Final Bequeathed Teaching (Faith) 最後的遺教(信仰)
- The Final Disciple (Faith) 最後的弟子(信仰)
- The Eight Great Stupas (Faith) 八大靈塔(信仰)